Chapter 3

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The girl was beautiful but I don't know why she covered her hair maybe she's bald but anyways why should I even care.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" I questioned purposely because I knew she might be a roommate or even more a jail mate

"Whoa! Before you bombard me with all those questions remember we're not in your house but a prison and for your information this is my space better get adjusted princess there is nothing here that can be yours!" She answered

" yeah your right why would I want to own anything here they all look like in the nineties" I retorted

Guess what all she did was laughed I like her she seems nice. I went to sit next to her and we both introduced ourselves.

She told me my name is Islamic and maybe I am a Muslim but do I even have a religion I wondered?
I've always been at home and I hardly see Alexander praying or going to the church. Her name was Amal which means hope in Arabic.

I asked her why she wore that cloth on her hand and she really gave a satisfying answer that I wanted to wear mine right at that moment.

If someone gave an open candy and a closed one which one would you take? Of course I would take the closed one. That what Muslim women are represented in Islam they should be covered and clean from getting contaminated or for others who are not meant for you to touch you.

The least someone can know the least one can hurt you.Hijab is a command from Allah it's a protection from temptation from men. It's not only the headscarf but how you keep yourself your virtues and everything about women.

I would rather sit and listen to her all day than learning any physics or biology. I don't know but I felt like I need to know more about her religion.

Lamya promised me that she'll tell me about Islam every night before we sleep if I get to stay with her because probably they might take me to another  cell. I'm not going anywhere until I know more about Islam and I get what I want. Be it prison or anywhere else.

I kept my clothes next to me and decided to crush on the bed that was more of an animals bed to me. Since I felt so zonked I had to.

I was woken up by banging on doors and that's when I realized I wasn't at home. My back was aching like hell as well.

An officer came and took so that I can change into the clothes they brought me. It was somehow comfortable.

I was taken to the where they was a line of male and female where they were taking breakfast. Three slices of bread with peanut butter and a cup of tea.

Hell no! There is no way am taking peanut butter. I searched for Lamya and spotted her on one table with another girl like who looked like her

"Oh there you are princess how was your sleep?" Lamya asked
" Satisfying much...Felt like I was in Bora Bora.." as they both let out a chuckle and so did I

I looked around and so did I looked at the male side others were looking in a flirty way others were sending daggers but I cared less and my thoughts were interrupted by Lamya

"This is my younger sister Sanya" she introduced the girl next to her and as I gave my hand to shake shake as a way of greeting her I was suddenly embraced in a hug by her.
"Sanya meet..... " she interrupted by saying everything about me.

Whoa was I that famous I thought
"So I Hope you have your whole family here in prison or?" I said jokingly

"No we're the only family, we had parents but they died in Palestine" Sanya exclaimed
No wonder they were such a beauty

So these two girls really did suffer in life. I got to know from them that they really had a high IQ because these two sisters were both genius at math physics  and all the subjects I hated.

We talked and talked as if we were like best friends meeting after such a long time.
"Lina don't you see how those boys on the front line on the first table how they're staring at you!" Sanya explained

I just told her to let them after all am new and  pretty. Must be wondering what a pretty face like me is doing in prison. Yes I did look on their side and just smirked proudly. 

I learnt that in this prison there is all act of vices racism and tribalism were just common. I wonder why even racism exist when we both share the same planet and bleed the same blood .

There were people from different world and I wondered what they were doing in America not just in America but in prison for example the story of Sanya and her sister. It's so unfair.

Glad I had Sanya who was always updated in everything here.

An officer came and asked me if I needed anything and I told her that I needed to be in the same room with these two ladies and she lifted her eyebrows and left.

A different dangerous and new life it was, where  you need yourself to survive.

They had gym where most of the men were and I heard they was also a tv one in the female wing and in the male wing as well.

I noticed empty classes with chairs and also some had computer rooms as I was taken to the dining area.

Some old women were given knitting and crochet while others were cleaning. I also saw how other women would bully the weak ones to do their work or else they would chop off all their hair.

I looked at my hair and was so scared because my hair was my favorite part of me. Lamya tapped my shoulder and gave me a don't worry look as they were under the care of a woman who every women in the prison bows down to her.
And I was going to meet her with them.....
Love you guys so much for being patient with me there you go the third chapter plz tell me how it was
Next chapter coming soon 😘
~SSK ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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