Episode 25

521 22 5

12 p.m.

In the room, Eunha leaned against the bed and her arm were wraping around her legs while holding a polaroid picture.

She staring at the picture then suddenly tear fall down on her cheeks. She crying.

Eunha: *sobs* why this must h-happen?

All of sudden, Yerin enter the room and saw Yuju was already fall asleep while Eunha still awake. She walked towards to Eunha bed.

Yerin: Una-yaa..it's already late night..you didn't sleepy?

Eunha just ignore her. Yerin noticed that Eunha was crying again. She sighed and try to comfort Eunha . She hugged her and kissed her hair. Eunha put her head on Yerin right shoulder.

Yerin: Eunha...please don't cry..i know you're a strong girl..we don't want to see you like this...forget what just happend..

Eunha: *sobs* b-but you don't u-understand..he was my f-first love..y-you know right how much i l-love him..but how can he d-do this-

Yerin immedietly hugged Eunha tightly. Eunha crying on her shoulder than she patting Eunha hair softly.

Yerin whisper gently to her ear.

Yerin: I know how you feel Eunha..be strong okay..remember..you have us..Gfriend will always be with you...i love you eunbi-yaa..

That night, Yerin comfort her until she fall asleep peacefully.

[ 3 days later ]

Jungkook enter the classroom with blank face, he walked towards to his desk and as he expected she still absence. He put his head on the table then sighed.

The two group were talking until Jungkook enter the class, they stop talking. Yuju took a peek at Jungkook.

Yuju: What happend to him?

Jin: I don't know. It has been 3 days he being like that.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Umji nodded. Everyone a bit curious with Jungkook sudden attitudes.

Yoongi: Jungkook is change tho.

Sinb: Yeah i also think he change..since that day...since Eunha left him..

Jimin and Taehyung exchanged glances then both of them sighed.

Taehyung: You guys right. Jungkook has changed a lot.

Jimin: He..he became really different.

Yerin: What do you mean? *confused*

All of them looking at Jimin and Taehyung since both of them were more close with Jungkook.

Jimin: Well Jungkook..

Jimin glances at Jungkook for a while and looked them back.

Jimin: His feelings change. I don't know but if you guys realise ever since Eunha left him and didn't came to school..he look moody and not as usual, he rarely talked to his friends. Well even us..

Taehyung: Nae. He being so quiet and always alone. Sometimes i noticed he smiling and crying alone.

They all exchanged looked. Srsly this is not Jeon Jungkook that they knew before.

Sinb: That's kinda creepy.

Umji: But don't you guys realise? Jungkook situation right now is exactly the same as he break up with Yeri.

Hoseok: Oh yeaa i remember. That Yeri is a playgirl.

Everyone nodded.

Sowon: Wait wait. So you mean Jungkook changed since that day? Since-

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