Episode 31

887 29 4

[ One month later ]

After around ten minutes driving, Eunha got out of the car and walked to the penthouse.

That night was pretty cold so she hugged herself to warm up.

She saw a lot's of stuff in the penthouse. Eunha get curious. As she headed in the penthouse, she widened her eyes in shock.


They all sing happy birthday to Eunha as she walked into the house. Eunha giggling showing her bunny teeth.

Yerin: Saengil chukkahae Eunha !

Sb/Tae/Um: Yahoo !!

Eunha: Ehehehe thank you everyone !

Sowon headed to the living room while holding a medium size cake and Jin followed her from behind.

Yuju: Yeay the cake is here !

Jimin: C'mon shorty make a wish !

Eunha nodded. After she make a wish, she blew the candle. Everyone cheering her up and make a loud noise.

Eunha: Thanks again everyone ! I love you all !

Hoseok: We love you too Eunha !

Everyone burst out laughing. They happily enjoy the dinner and the cake.

Eunha: I'll be in my room. I will coming down later.

Yoongi and Namjoon nodded. Eunha stood up and walked up to her room.

Eunha put her handbag away and laid down on her bed. She close her eyes for a while until Jimin came in her room.

Jimin: Eunha..

Eunha flinched. She got up and went to Jimin. He give her a gift box and she smiled.

Eunha: For me? Thank you oppa !

Jimin: But not from me. It's from Jungkook..

Eunha became silent. After a while staring at the box she looked him back.

Eunha: Oh umm...thanks..

Jimin smiled and ruffled her hair. As he headed out of the room, Eunha sat on her bed and open the gift box.

It's some pictures, polaroid photo, a camera and a note. She took the pictures and stare it for a long times. She smiled and remember her memories with him.

Eunha: Hmm Jungkook-ahh i miss you so much...i hope you're here with me..

She smiled at each every pictures. It's remind Eunha of her and Jungkook moments together. Then she took the camera.

Eunha: What is this? *confused*

She switch on the camera and everything came out.

Tears were streaming down on her face without she realise. She wiped her eyes and sniffed.

Eunha noticed the note and she picked it up to read it.

My beloved Eunha,

Hello cutie this is me Jungkook. By the time you're reading this i hope you understand what am i trying to say.

I love you so much Eunha. And i really mean it. In the beginning i didn't know that. I'm sorry that i couldn't keep my promise. I know i'm not a perfect guy for a girl like you. You were the one for me, but i wasn't the one for you.

You were always there for me. Since i started to knew the real you, you're the one who make me smile. You're the one who make me happy.

I feel so awful leaving you for 3 years without telling you. I'm so sorry. But i really happy to met you again even thought you hate me so much.

Actually i had a cancer stage two since last year when i'm still in US. And i knew i will not stay any longer. Mianhae..

Trust me this time, belive me. Once again i'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me...

Stay healthy and live happy life,

Goodbye Eunha,

Jeon Jungkook

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