Chapter 4

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I found it strange that I woke up on a bed in my room because I remembered sleeping on a tree last night. I shrugged the thought away and decided to take a bath, I washed the kimono and set it out to air dry before I took a bath. After my bath, the kimono was already dry which was convenient. I had to figure out how to get myself some clothes. When I walked out of the bathroom, Tomoe was waiting infront of my room. "Do you need something?" I asked and he jumped. I guess he didn't hear me coming.

"No..." he eyed me from head to toe then approached me. "Where did you get that kimono?" He questioned. "The shrine spirits lent it to me. I know it belongs to you but I have no other clothes so can you atleast let be borrow it until I can find something else to wear? I can't borrow any of Nanami's clothes because...she thinks that they won't fit me" I felt nervous and a little awkward. "Of course... That girl is as flat as a cutting board..." I heard him mumble to himself. "So...can I borrow it in the meantime?" I asked again and he turned to me with a gentle smile. "Yes but...I have something a little better" I tilted my head to the side in curiosity and he grabbed my hand and took me to what I assumed was his room.

He rummaged through his things and pulled out a sky blue silk dress with thin straps. I stared at him with confusion. Why does have these? Did he like to dress in this?

"Are these yours or do they belong to a lady friend? Or do you just like to collect dresses?" I questioned and he seemed to blush. "They friend's but she...died a few years back" he turned gloomy and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I couldn't imagine what it was like to lose an important friend. "I'm sorry...she must've been an important friend"

"Oh she was...she was more than a friend, actually..." he trailed off and looked to the side with longing. He must really miss her. Then he turned to me and the look never left his eyes. "But I know that wherever she is, she is happy. They are yours now. I hate seeing them unused and collecting dust. They'd really suit you"

"Thank you...Oh right, I should probably return this kimono"

"You can keep that too. It was hers" well that explains why it fit perfectly on me. "Why don't you try one on?" he suggested. Right...I have to see if they really do fit me. I nodded and he left the room so I could change. I took off the kimono and wore the dress. It fit perfectly, so perfect in fact that it almost scared me. When I looked in the mirror my face flushed. It wasn't very showy but it did show a little bit of cleavage. His friend must've been very beautiful to be able to wear this dress with confidence. I felt a little embarassed but I had no other options. It was either this or walk around naked. 

I heard Tomoe knocking on the door. "Are you done, Okari?" he asked before he entered. His eyes widened when he saw me and both of his ears and his tail straightened out and stood up like a stick. "Wow..." he mumbled while his cheeks slowly flushed. "D-does it look okay?" I questioned, he kept staring at me and he wouldn't look away even if I moved around the room. His eyes just kept on following me. "T-tomoe?" I waved my hand infront of his face. He was staring dazedly at me. I even snapped my fingers to try and get his attention but he wouldn't move. I wondered what was going on inside his brain, he seemed stuck.

Tomoe P.O.V

After all these years she still looked as beautiful as when we first met five hundred years ago. The sky blue silk dress looked perfect on her. It made her look elegant but gentle and soft at the same time and it showed off her curves perfectly. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked like my Okari but her memories were gone. All of the moments we shared, her anger, her forgiveness and her love for me were all gone. I felt so frustrated because she was alive and I finally had the chance to prove my love for her again but how could I if she doesn't even remember me? Will she ever get her memories back or are they lost forever? Will she ever remember me? I had to start again and hope that she doesn't fall in love with someone else. I had to keep her safe. She was mine and I will make sure she will be mine again. I refuse to give her up to someone else. I want my Okari back. I miss her.

Okari P.O.V

" Tomoe?" he seemed to snap put of his trance but then he stared at me again and began to advance. He backed me up against the wall then slammed his hand on the wall behind me, trapping me. "T-tomoe? Are you okay?" I asked, I felt nervous and I didn't understand what was going on. " you really not remember anything from the past? Do you really not remember me?" he questioned, he was clearly struggling to keep his voice from breaking. It was hard for him to ask me that question. Why? What was my connection with him? He said that we met in the past but I couldn't remember his face let alone if we met before yesterday.

"I'm really sorry but...I don't remember you or anything else from my past. I can't even remember where I was born" his expression turned sad. "If that's the case then maybe this will jog your memory" he started to lean his face closer to me until I could feel his breath on my lips. "T-tomoe? W-what are you doing?" my heart was racing and I felt frantic. I wanted to push him away but something about the sad look in his eyes made me freeze. In the end I only managed to weakly hold him away from me. "Tomoe...please, don't do this. I know you are sad but this isn't going to make you feel any better" he flinched and moved back. He was smiling sadly and he looked like he was in pain.

"I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me. I will leave you alone now...I will call you when lunch is ready" he turned to leave the room but I rested my hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Tomoe...if you need someone to talk to, I'm always just one door away. Just don't forget to knock first" he smiled a bit but his eyes still showed sadness and pain. Then he nodded and left. Tomoe...I wonder what happened to you in the past that was so painful that you are still haunted by it to this day? Is it that painful?

Okari Inu: Reawakening (The White Lotus Sequel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now