Chapter 1

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I used to love the dark because I knew that whenever the sky turned a midnight hue, the moon would replace the sun in the sky and I could bask in its warm glow but this darkness that enveloped me was uncomfortable and suffocating. I couldn't move and I couldn't breath. It was as silent as a graveyard and there was no wind. I hated this darkness that I was trapped in, I wanted to leave but there seemed to be no way out, there was no exit. 

Finally, something caught my eye. There was a glint, a sparkle in the dark sky above me. "Okari~ It's time to wake up" a soft voice said then I felt like I was floating in mid air, as lightweight as a feather. I clawed my way towards the light, noticing that the walls beside me slowly started to crumble. The harder I tried, the bigger the light became until I could see clearly what was on the other side. I reached for the green and brown branches of the tree above me and the dark void morphed into a bright open space filled with plants and strange buildings. I was in an unfamiliar place with strange and huge structures all around me. This isn't the Japan I remember. Is this even Japan?

My ears moved in all sorts of directions, picking up every sound around me. My tail swished gently behind me and I shivered from the cold wind that blew by. That's when I noticed that I was in my birthday suit. I tried to cover myself as best I could. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" a panicked voice spoke and immediately I had something covering my shoulders. I followed the voice until I saw a girl with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. She looked strangely familiar but her clothes weren't. I couldn't help but stare at her weird clothing then I mustered up the courage to ask her a question. "W-what is this place? Where am I?" she didn't seem to hear my question because she moved closer to me and just stared at my ears then my tail. "U-uhm...y-you're in Tokyo. A-are those real?" she asked nervously as she pointed to my ears and tail. I nodded, moving them to show her that they were real.

She jumped back slightly but then she sat infront of me. "What are you? Why did you pop out of the ground and why are you naked?" she asked curiously. I pulled her weird looking yellow haori closer to me as I felt another gust of wind pass by then I hesitantly answered her question. "I-I'm a wolf yokai and as for popping out of the ground, I-I can't remember...I can't remember much of anything, actually. I-it's scaring me..." she rested her hand on my shoulder and I flinched but quickly apologised. "Do you atleast remember your name?" she asked and I nodded. "O-okari, m-my name is Okari Inu" I fidgeted with my thumbs, I felt shy about meeting new people and I wasn't sure I liked talking to a human either but she hadn't tried to attack me so far so I figured I would try to trust her. It was probably weirder for her to see an actual yokai since she didn't look like she had seen one before.

Then she smiled brightly at me and she held her hand out for me to shake, I guessed. "Nice to meet you Okari, I'm Nanami Momozono" she introduced herself then we shook hands. "Say Okari, would you like to come and live with me? Someone just gave me a house as a reward for rescuing him from a dog and it would be nice to have someone live with me. So, what do you say?" I didn't hesitate to answer. She was the only person I trusted in this new and unfamiliar world and I felt strangely comfortable around her. "O-okay, let's go then" I replied and her eyes sparkled with delight. "One small can't just walk around naked and I don't think any of my other clothes would fit you" she seemed to be upset while she eyed me from head to toe. "Its fine..." I said to her before transforming into my full wolf form.

"Does this solve your problem?" I questioned as I grabbed her haori and gave it back to her. "Wow...t-that's amazing! You can talk while in that form and you look so fluffy, m-may I pet you?" she asked and I giggled and nodded. She pet my head and squealed at how soft my fur was. "Alright...let's go" she said after calming down. While we walked side by side and she figured out how to read the map the strange man had given her, she asked me questions and I asked her questions. "I've been wondering, why is it that your ears and tail are pink but when you turn into a wolf your fur is white and you have red markings all over your body?" 

Okari Inu: Reawakening (The White Lotus Sequel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now