Chapter 8

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We were eating dinner after a very tiring first day when Tomoe tapped my shoulder and told me that he wanted to have a word with me. I excused myself from the table and followed him to the garden. He looked distraught as he stood in front of the sakura tree. "Tomoe, What's wrong?" I asked, his ears flickered to my direction then he turned to me. "Okari...Do you really not remember anything from the past? Do you really not remember me?" he questioned as he slowly walked closer to me. "Tomoe we have been over this already. I really don't remember you or anything from 500 years ago. All I know is that I was alive 500 years ago" he stopped a mere few inches from me then he grabbed  my hands and held them in his. 

"Well, maybe this will jog your memory" the wind blew making several of the fallen petals dance with it. They glowed in the moonlight and looked very much like freshly fallen snow. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and swayed. I looked up at him, a familiar feeling warmed my chest as we both swayed with the wind. The glowing petals danced beautifuly behind him but my eyes were drawn to him and only to him. "Do you...remember anything?" he questioned. He almost seemed desperate for an answer. I thought about it for a moment but nothing came to mind. The warmth in my chest soon went away and I stopped. "I-I'm sorry but...I really can't remember" he looked down at me with a disappointed gaze and I knew that that wasn't the answer he wanted.

"I-it's fine...we should head back inside. It's starting to get cold" he walked past me and as I saw his figure retreat back into the shrine, the glow of the cherry blossom petals seemed to dampen. I soon felt emptiness in my chest, as if a piece of my heart was missing. One question lingered in my mind as I went to sleep. Why was he so desperate for me to remember the past? 


I never thought I'd be running through the halls of the school in my wolf form but I just couldn't let this poor excuse for a tengu get away. Plus it distracted me from the weird dreams I had the other night. He tried to attack Nanami while I was in the bathroom then Tomoe showed up and turned him into an ostrich but I still wanted a piece of him. I will not be satisfied until I atleast strip him of his feathers. I chased him down until we arrived back at the rooftop of the school. The place where he tried to attack Nanami. Now he was cornered and ostriches couldn't fly. "Nowhere to run now, Kurama" I growled as I raised my tail and drew my claws out, getting ready to attack him. He turned towards me with a nervous and scared look. "Oh don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you, I'm just going to rip out your feathers one by one until your as ugly as a hairless rat" I walked closer to him, baring my teeth and growling.

He stepped back until he was on the edge. I grinned as I pounced but was quickly kicked back by him. Who knew ostriches could kick so hard? I landed pretty roughly and a yelp escaped my snout. "So you still have the nerve to fight back after what you did to my sister. I guess stripping you of your feathers won't be enough. How about I roast you then eat you for dinner?" he honked at me and I just grinned. I pounced again but was careful enough to dodge his kick, I was finally able to pin him to the ground. The fear and desperation in his eyes actually amused me. I was drawing my snout closer to his wings, getting ready to pluck the first feather out but I became distracted.

"Okari!" I heard Tomoe say and I made the mistake of losing my focus and turning away from my target. He took this chance to hit me with his wing then he kicked me. I felt my ribs hit the railings before I flew off the edge. I changed back into my human form just in time for Tomoe to grab my wrist. Now I was dangling off the edge of the school building and my grip was slipping. "Okari! Hang on!" Tomoe said before he was hit by the ostrich and let go of my wrist. I screamed as I fell. The ground was getting closer and closer as I shut my eyes tightly to wait for the inevitable but to my surprise, it never came. 

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself floating. I could feel something moving against my back so I took a chance and turned around to see what it was. My eyes widened at what I saw, there were wings flapping behind me and they were attached to my back. I was so shocked that I almost flipped over and fell but I managed to calm and steady myself. I pinched the bridge of my nose, How many more surprises could I take? I decided to just think about it later. I still had to get back up there. I thought about getting back up there and the wings moved on their own. They launched me higher up into the air untill I was able to take a step on the edge of the roof and over railings.

I found Nanami trying to keep an enraged Tomoe from killing Kurama and roasting him on the spot. Considering I almost died a few moment ago, this was a whole lot better. I giggled and I could feel the wings on my back flapping wildly as I giggled. They all stopped shouting at each other and turned to me with wide eyes. "O-okari?!" they all exclaimed in unison, all except Kurama I guess, he was an ostrich. "H-how?" Tomoe mumbled as he stared. I didn't notice before but his eyes were glazed over as if he had been crying. "I-I grew wings" I said shyly and they flapped for emphasis. Soon, Tomoe was right infront of me as he held both of my shoulders in his tight grip.

"I...I thought I had lost you again..." he whispered with so much grief before he pulled me into his arms and rested his chin on the top of my head. His body was shaking as he held me close. What did he mean by 'again'? I decided not to dwell on it. I freed my hands and rubbed his back to help him calm down. "I-I'm alright..." we stayed like that for atleast 30 minutes before my wings started to hurt. "T-tomoe...m-my wings" he pulled back and let go. The wings stretched then folded back. My ears and tail were now out. I whispered something to Tomoe then we both turned to Kurama. "Now...let's go deal with the ostrich" I said with a devious grin on my face and I heard him swallow the lump in his throat. Perfect.

Okari Inu: Reawakening (The White Lotus Sequel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now