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So it's basically we have an assignment of sociology. I gotta write a report on the following topic ;


Project of : Faiqa Imran & Warda Shabbir
Class: BBA afternoon
Semester 1

1. Students are more likely to be themselves in co-ed system.

a)yes  b) no

2. Co-ed students are more confident.

a)agree b) disagree

3. In segregated systems there is more emphasis placed on physical beauty rather than intelligence.

a)agree  b)disagree

4.Do co-ed students perform better in team activities?

a)agree  b) disagree

5. Do you agree that girls and boys require different learning environments?

a) yes  b)no

6. Which environment do you think benefits girls more?

a) co-ed  b) single gender

7. Which environment do you think benefits boys more?

a)co-ed  b) single gender

8. Which students are more likely to assume leadership roles?

a)co-ed   b) single gender 

9. Is attraction to opposite gender a distraction in co-ed?

a) agree   b) disagree 

10. Do teachers respond similarly to boys and girls in co-ed system?

a) yes  b) no

11.Co-ed systems show a better picture of real world. 

a) agree  b) disagree 

12. Do you agree that girls and boys require different curriculum due to their different natures?

a) agree  b) disagree 

13. At which level would you prefer co-ed system?

a)  school   b)college   c)university 

14. Encircle your gender please.

a) male  b) female

15. Which system do you prefer and for what reason(s)?


What do you guys think about it?
You can totally answer with in-line comments. I would be eternally grateful.

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