Quarantine diaries pt 2

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Hello you beautiful people!
So as I have previously mentioned, I was looking for a job and the cut-throat competition on even unpaid internships made me realize how difficult it is to get one.

Although I don't hail from a very rich background, but in Pakistan it's actually pretty weird for kids to pay for their stuff. Talk about being spoiled.
Nevertheless, sitting at home, being demotivated and feeling like crap for being so useless forced me to just put myself out there.
The reason I am repeating this time and time again is that if any of you guys are facing the same problem.
I know it's not easy to find a job in these times because everyone is stuck at home and limited jobs are available.
But fear not! I am here to save the day!
(superman music playing in the background)
If you want to work as a freelancer, or a content writer these would be really reallyyyy relevant to you. But even if you want to apply for other jobs, I think you would definitely pick up a couple of helpful hints.
So, these are some of the things that helped me in my job hunt.

1. Make multiple Resumès: No, I am not kidding. Make a generic resumè, and then make two or three customized ones for jobs that you want to apply.
For example, if you want to apply as a tutor, a digital marketer, or a content writer, make small changes to your generic resumè according to the fields. It's actually not that difficult because your educational background and many other stuff remains the same. You just have to change your skills, or tweak the language a little here and there to customize it.

2. Make a cover letter. Although not many companies require a cover letter, it sends a pretty good message to your potential employer. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile.

3. Use all the platforms available. This means google searches, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Freelancer, fiverr, upwork, Guru, basically shoot your shot everywhere.

4. Connect your accounts. If you want to seem like a more professional person, link your Facebook to your LinkedIn or freelancer, etc. This makes you sound more authentic and trustworthy. Which sounds bogus, but trust me, it works.

5. Make a schedule. Come on, don't pout like that, I know how much you love making schedules and (not) following them. Anyway, what I mean is, allot one day for job search, one day for applying for those jobs, one day for filling out any additional requirements (such as writing samples, or anything).
This actually makes it much easier to focus and you aren't just randomly filling out forms only to forget writing the samples later. And I would suggest you to even make a separate folder in your phone; everytime you see a job you want to apply for, take a screenshot and save it in that folder. Because I have came across so many jobs while I was scrolling aimlessly on social media and I thought to myself hey, this looks like something I could do. Let me just finish this makeup tutorial and then I would apply.
I think we all know how that ended. I kept on watching tutorials after tutorials and forgot about that job. Don't look at me like that, sometimes we are just not in the mood.
So this actually helps you because whenever you are motivated, you have a list ready.

6. Check your email regularly.
I think I am the biggest offender of this. I hate checking my email. It's just so cluttery and I have subscribed to so much useless information. Urgh.
But when you are applying for jobs, make it a habit to check your email at least twice a day.

7. Don't get demotivated. I know this sounds like a no brainer, but it is important that you realise these things take time. Besides, the more you apply, the more you learn about the dynamics of that industry. So, even if you don't get that job, you do learn something new.

8. Do online courses to brush up your skills. If you think your chances of getting your ideal job would increase after acquiring a particular skill, take it. Skills unlike abilities are not innate. You can learn them at any stage of your life. Whether you are 13 or 56, doesn't really matter as long as you really really want to learn them.
It doesn't has to paid. In fact there are many sites that offer free courses if you sign up. For example:
1. Digiskills: this is a free platform from the Government of Pakistan, but I don't think it's available to non-pakistanis. It offers free courses for digital marketing, creative writing, SEO, etc.

2. Course era: this one offers courses on behalf of prominent universities such as Harvard, or MIT. I think most of those courses are free and anyone can sign up. So yeah go ahead guys.

3. TED ED: I think we are all familiar with TEDex, most of us have watched one of its inspirational videos at one time or another. This is a platform that provides lessons on multiple subjects. Again I am not sure if all courses are free, but if you are interested, you can head over to your website and find out.

So, that was pretty much it guys. I hope this was informational and you guys learned something out of it.
Gosh, I sound like a YouTuber. Not that it's a bad thing.

Happy hunting my babies 🌸
Till the next time xoxo

Btw, I love, love, love this track. Whenever I am feeling down, this is my go-to song. What are your go-to songs?

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