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Chapter XII

A few days had passed since I woke up. I walked around, getting better on my new leg. I relied less on the cane, but still kept it around. what can I say, it's a pretty damn cool cane. I was in the mess, getting some lunch when I saw them. Sierra and Cass. They had missed the lunch rush, and I think they meant to. I walked over to them and sat down at their table. "Hey cass, it's good to see you awake." I said, excited that she was okay.
"It's good to see you too admiral. How long was I out? No one will tell me." She seemed to be a bit weak, but she was comatose for longer than me. "I woke up five days after the shootout, and it's been three since then. How do you like your arm?" "It's hard to get used to. Ive been able to move three of my fingers, and the elbow is pretty stiff. I love the color though." at least she was optimistic. "You should take it down to Jay, he might be able to help loosen it up" I replied, as thats what I did for my ankle joint. "Your going to be out of the job, we ran out of sky charts. I was wondering, would you like a promotion?"
"What kind of promotion?" she asked smiling, "Well, I never got a new second in command..."

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