Chapter Five

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The warm Sunday morning sunshine peeking through the window caused Y/N's eyes to flutter open slowly. Reaching up to stretch her arms above her head, she was startled when she felt a heavy arm snake around her middle. Remembering that she had slept in Elijah's bed last night, she couldn't help her wide smile.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he cooed in her ear, leaning over to place a sweet kiss to her earlobe.

"Good morning, handsome," she said with a grin. She sat up, pulling up the sheet to cover her nude form. "How long have you been up?"

He shrugged, hiding a coy smile.

"Not too long," he lied, not wanting her to know he had been watching her sleep. "May I make my beautiful overnight guest some breakfast?"

As if on cue, baby Lilly began to stir, making the sweetest little noises in her crib as she woke.

"I'll get her," Y/N offered, slipping on Elijah's discarded navy robe from the previous evening.

"Let's go in together," he suggested, pulling his pajama pants back on. Y/N swallowed hard, trying not to think about the delicious way they dipped low on his hips this early in the morning.

He slid his hand down her spine, resting it at the small of her back as he escorted her down the hall to the nursery. He couldn't help but think that it all felt so right, having her there beside him.

Y/N scooped Lilly up from her crib, unzipping her lavender sleep sack and kissing her chubby pink cheek before laying her down gently on the changing table.

"Good morning, Lilly Beans," she whispered. Elijah hung back by the door, watching the woman he was falling for behave so motherly with his baby girl. It warmed his heart, especially since Lilly's mother no longer seemed to have a maternal bone in her body.

Y/N finished changing Lilly's diaper and lifted her up, padding over to Elijah and placing the baby in her Daddy's arms.

"There's Daddy's precious girl," he said, placing little pecks all over her curl covered head.

"She's one lucky little girl, having such a devoted father," Y/N said, somewhat sadly. She dropped her eyes, unable to fight the sad thoughts of her own absent father.

Elijah frowned when he heard her melancholy tone, making a mental note to discuss her family life later when they were alone.

In the kitchen, Y/N fed Lilly her oatmeal and fruit while Elijah whipped up a gourmet breakfast, complete with omelets, fresh fruit, hashbrowns, and coffee.

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble," Y/N insisted, between bites of melon. "I normally just grab a muffin with my coffee."

"Well, I wanted to do something special to entice you to stay over more often," Elijah said with a sweet half smile.

Lilly was playing happily at the table in her rose gold high chair, watching her Daddy with love and admiration in her big brown eyes. Across the table, Y/N wore the same expression, slipping her hand inside his and smiling.

The doorbell rang, interrupting their perfect little family morning.

"Lilly should be ready for her bottle now. I'll grab it," Y/N offered, while Elijah stood to answer the door.

As she plucked the bottle from the cabinet and began to mix the formula with warm water, she heard a voice that sent shivers up her spine.

"I know it's your week with Lilly, Elijah, but I need to tell you something, and it's not exactly a conversation you have over the phone," Katherine rasped, her stilettos clicking across the gray hardwood floors.

Damn Daddy | Elijah Mikaelson Soulmate AU *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now