07 - No

555 10 0

Quick A/N: It's finally winter break for me hell yeah

"Call me oppa then." Said Mark. The fuck? Oh hell no.
"Hell no!" I cringed.
"But I'm older" He stated. So what?
"So? I'll only call you oppa If I want to." i stubornly said. Nope, defenitely not going to call him oppa.

"Y/N-ah, don't be so rude!" 'Y/N-ah'? Minjun used to call me that... I guess I froze there for a while since I didn't realize them shaking me and trying to get my attention. I must calm down. It's not like they know or will know.

"Oh, um yeah, sorry?" I apologised, half heartedly.
"Actually, Im going to go to the bathroom now, I'll see you lot when classes are finished maybe? Anyways bye!" I didn't even give them time to reply, as I had ran out of the canteen.

Mark's p.o.v
"The fuck is wrong with her?" Asked Jisoo, clearly annoyed at what had just happened.
"I'm not sure, maybe it's the anxiety of the first day?" Said Lisa.
"Still, that doesn't give her any reason to treat Mark oppa in such way" Jennie pouted. Fake ass. I rolled my eyes at her statement, as If she actually cares. So annoying.

Your p.o.v
Anxiety was starting to kick in, I had to stop overreacting so much. They probably think I'm a weirdo or someone really rude now, specially the boy. I'd do it tomorrow I guess.

I splashed some water on my face and took out my schedule, I didn't know what class I had now. This was my last period and I had history. Yay.

*time skip to history class*
I was waiting for class to start, I had gotten there earlier than needed. As I waited for the students to come in I decided to check the korean news, was there anything new?

I was checking the news when I suddenly stumbled upon an article that read "idol kim taehyung's daughter gone missing" wow. I didn't pay much attention as I didn't think anyone here would actually read the news, and if that was so I didn't think they'd even be able to recognize me.

I had changed my looks since then, and unless they were fans of the members they wouldn't care shit about their family. Unless the ones from the motel in korea busted me. Nah, I mean I was kind as fuck when tipping them.

I kept reading and saw that there was actually a reward worth (however much money you think is right). Oh god, that was many times more what I had tipped the recepcionist. Either ways she didn't know where I was heading to at that moment, just that I had been there.

Soon the teacher came in and started his class.

*time skip end of the class*
Hell yeah! It was time to go home now, where the comforts of my bed awaited. I can't wait to get there. I had to study a bit more since I was trying to get a motorbike license. I decided I wanted a motorbike since I'd only use it for short travels and it would be way quicker.

*time skip in the apartment*
I was finally there, after a 20 minute walk or whatever. Lisa still wasn't there, I checked my phone just in case she had texted me or something. Nothing, there was nothing. I guess she has another period today, usually it's 6 periods a day, but sometimes you'd have more or less.

I decided to keep studying for the motorbike license, I could've had it 2 years ago, but they would've defenitely not let me. Now they couldn't boss me around :)

Before I started studying I made myself a cup of hot chocolate, since it was pretty cold. I started thinking, I really should get a cat. I'd ask Lisa once she gets here!

I started studying and after an hour and a bit Lisa arrived. I hurried to go meet her at the door and when she opened the door she shrieked.

Lisa: "Yah! What the fuck?! You scared the shit out of my poor soul!"
Y/N: "Sorry!~ Oh! I wanted to ask you something." I grinned.
Lisa: "Oh god... What is it?" She tried to seem worried but I could see the amusement in her eyes.
Y/N: "Can I get a kitten?" I made puppy eyes, just incase. Lisa seemed to think for a while and then replied.
Lisa: "Uh...I guess it's ok but dont get a trouble maker." She scolded, already knowing I'd pick a troublesome one.
Y/N: "Okay!! Let's go then!" I grabbed her hand and started pulling her out of the apartment.
Lisa: "YAH! I still haven't even left my bad yet! And where are we going?" She screeched. Oh god, her screams.
Y/N: "To the animal shelter! Obviously unnie!" I grinned.
Lisa: "Ugh, just let me leave my bag in, it's heavy..." I can see she's tired but it wont take long to adopt a cat.

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