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I was never very comfortable with myself. From when I was thirteen to eighteen, I never wore shorts or short sleeves because of my bony elbows and knobby knees. Being blind didn't make my life any easier. Nothing is worse than being a freak in high school. My guide dog, Oliver, and I roam the halls every say, hearing the rude comments and jokes. Just because I'm blind, doesn't mean that I'm deaf too.

No one really understands how hard it is to not be able to see. I hear people say, "The sky is so blue today," and can't help but wonder what the color blue is and what it looks like. I'll never know. After dealing with the fact that I'd never be able to see, I had severe depression.

My parents found out I was cutting myself when Oliver, the tattletale, came whining to my parents one afternoon and leading them straight to the bathroom. I've been here, at Happy Valley Rehabilitation Clinic ever since.


"Miss, let me help you outside to get some fresh air," my nurse, Linda, insists. "I know where I'm going," I mumble and give her a quick smile. She nods and I grip onto Oliver's leash. I don't know what is do without him.

Outside is....peaceful. I can run my toes through the grass and feel the sun on my face. I raise my head and close my useless eyes.

"Hey, beautiful," I hear a guy say. I groan inwardly and reach out to try and find the persons face tools sure he is who he really is. Yep. it's Zachary.

Zachary has been here since his freshman year also. He tried to do the same thing I did except only with the help of drugs. Obviously, he failed rather miserably.

"Don't call me that," I moan. Zachary sighs and puts his arm over my shoulder but I shove him off.

"I only speak in facts, Cali," he says in a terrible accent. I shove him off the bench I'm sitting on.

"So," he starts awkwardly,"when do you get out of this place?"

"Tomorrow," I mumble, "then I can have some free time from the millions of questions that I'm usually asked and take a break from the online schooling and liver life for once." I can almost feel the grimace on his face. His energy changes.

" I'm here for another year," he sighs. I'm left speechless. A timer beeps on Oliver's collar and I know I should be going in. Zachary gives me one last hug and I go inside. In a weird twisted way, I'm going to miss this place....


AN: so sorry that this chapter is so short! This is really just and introduction to calliope. Lyric's intro will be about the same length but the other chapter will be better and longer!!! Hope you continue reading!!!


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