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We had to stop to get something to eat, my stomach was killing me. Connor and Cane reluctantly asked the taxi driver to pull over to the nearest gas station so that I wouldn't start throwing thugs at them. they know that I have amazing aim.

"I want Cheetos," I groan. I feel Cane leave and pick up a bag along with some other junk food. I push my sunglasses up on the bridge of nose to keep them from falling. Because I'm blind, my eyes are hyper sensitive. I can't even be in a store with the lights on without wearing these things.

I hear a bell ring and I continue to grab random bags of food. Food is food, right? A girl has gotta eat.

I hear about six individual footsteps so there must be three people; seemingly boys. Their footsteps sound heavy so they must be tall and a little muscular. I feel a pair of shoes come closer and feel an arm graze my thigh; I shiver on instinct.

"Excuse me," the guy mumbles. His voice is low and velvety. Swoon. Cane and Connor drag me away from him and to the taxi.


"What the heck guys," I shout, "it wasn't like he was going to kill me.

"He had a bulge in his pocket..." Connor mumbles.

"Did you ever think that it could've been a cell phone, stupid." Cane and Connor both groan at the same time and I hear both of their heads smack against a window.

"Jesus," Cane prays, "please let us get to the hotel soon." Suddenly the taxi stops. I hear Connor toss change at the taxi driver. only he would do that, Cane isnt nearly that rude. Cane grabs my hand while I hear Connor grab the luggage.

"You are going to have the best year of your life," Connor laughs. His laughter is contagious and I'm a giggling mess when we walk into, what I suppose, is the lobby. I feel the floor change from cement to a soft material. I can sense around thirty to fourth people in the room, not including Connor and Cane. This place even feels fancy; the high energy makes my nerves go crazy and I'm so glad when I feel a desk in front of me so that I can stabilize myself.

"We're here to check in," I hear Cane mention. He's always been the more assertive one.

The wood feels smooth underneath my palms as the chill from it weeps into my skin; it makes me instantly relax.

"You're in room 12B, the top floor," the man at the front says. Cane tugs my hand and we head to the elevator.

It's times like this when I wish I could see. I winder what it looks like, what buttons look like, what the door looks like, what the room plaque is. I shake my head and walk out of the elevator when the door sings open. Connor leads me to our room.

"That's weird," Cane says under his breath, "it seems like the.door is already ajar for us."

"Probably just the cleaning service," Connor mumbles. Cane grabs my hand and leads me inside. instant toy I feel three people's presences and I grip Cane's hand.

"Why are you in our room?" Cane demands.

"This is our room," a guy says. The husky voice makes me insnatly recognize who it is.

"The guy from the gas station?" I ask

AN: CLIFFHANGER!! I'm so evil :3 just wanted to thank you.guys for reading and PLEASE KEEP READING AND VOTE AND COMMENT! I love getting comments!!! Please no.mean things hahaha that'd be saddening. thanks for getting this far. had a cover mishap by the way if you didn't.see it

it'll be up shortly! by the way I go by mela so please font hate on my name lol love ya bookworms

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