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What the hell has just happened? Shen Yue ... I kissed Shen Yue ... Out of the set!

I don't know what got me. Is that she was there that slept, she looked like an angel ... And then, suddenly, she opened those big eyes and looked at me in a way ... There was so much sweetness in her eyes! I didn't understand anything anymore. What an idiot I am. Yue is my friend. Just a friend. But she has such soft lips ... I noticed it right away when we shot the scene of the first kiss between Dao Ming Yes and Dong Shancai. Didi, stop it now! It's like a sister to you. You don't feel anything for her and above all she doesn't feel anything for you. Now don't be a fool and pretend you have never kissed.

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What was that? Did Dylan kiss me? Seriously? Ok Yue, calm down. It wasn't anything special. It was a mistake ... A huge mistake. You were sick, he was worried ... A mistake. Here it is. As soon as I am healed, I will return to work and it will be as if nothing had happened. But those lips ...

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After two days of rest, Yue finally returns to the set.

"Hey Yueyue! Are you ok now?" a smiling Angie asks her.

"Never been better! Sorry for causing you problems!"

"Don't worry, dear! It happens! Don't get too tired and if you're not well, tell us right away ... Come on, let's get started!"

The girl shoots some scenes in the cafeteria together with Jaqi.

Once the shooting is over, Caesar, Leong, Darren and Dylan reach the two friends.

"Good evening girls! In exactly one hour we want you ready for the dance ... We'll take you to the Club to have fun!" exclaimed Caesar with a big smile.

"Yes! How beautiful!" jumps Jaqi.

Dylan points his gaze at Yue. From the episode of the kiss in her room, the two went on pretending that nothing had happened between them.

"Sorry, but I already have a commitment" he hears her reply.

"What?! Come on Yueyue! Can't you postpone?" Leong complains.

"No, I'm sorry".

"Yue has an appointment with Hu Yitian" grins Jaqi.

"WHAT?!" blurts Dylan.

"Don't scream, dumb! It's not a date! He's here with his family and we decided to take advantage of it to see each other again. After finishing shooting A love so beautiful we haven't had many chances to be together a little " explains Yue.

"Oh my God, look how blush she is! What a tenderness!" laughs Caesar.

"What kind of ... Bah, I'm going to get ready. Good evening, be good!"

Dylan watches her go and he feels a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

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Hu Yitian. She comes out with Hu Yitian. That stang! Well, worse for her. But since when she is such a friend of Hu Yitian? Pff, friendship... He wants more than friendship, I know. Anyway, I don't care, right? Go out with your Jiang Chen, Yue. I don't really care. 

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