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Dylan is at the gym together with Caesar. The two are playing basketball, when suddenly Dylan's phone starts ringing.
"It's Yue," he says surprised, reading the name on the display.
"Reply" Caesar grins.
DD: Hello?
YY: Didi ... Where are you?
DD: Hey ... I'm at the gym ... Are you crying?
YY: No ... Yes ...
DD: Yue, you're making me worry.
YY: I had a fight with dad.
DD: Oh ... Where are you? I'll be right there!
YY: No, I'm near here ... Two minutes and I'm coming.
DD: All right, I'll wait for you.

"All right?" Caesar asks him.
"She says she has a fight with her father, she's coming here."
"Understood, then I'm leaving, so you can be alone".
Dylan nods.
Caesar collects his things and as soon as he opens the door of the gym, he finds himself in front of Yue.
Her eyes are swollen with tears and her face is pale.
"Hello little girl" he says, stroking her cheek.
For him she is like a sister, he doesn't like at all to see her suffer.
She smiles at him.
When Caesar leaves, Yue reaches Dylan in the stands.
"I'm so angry!" she snorts, sitting next to him.
"I see, tell".
"My father called me, he asked me when I'm going back home ... I told him that unfortunately, for now, my job doesn't allow me ... And he started telling me that this is not a real job and it is absurd to keep me away from home for a long time... He told me that he didn't make me study to see me waste my life like this ... "
"Yue, you know he doesn't really think that ..."
"Oh yes, he thinks it. I know I'm not a good actress, but that's what makes me happy and I'm putting all of myself into it ... I wish he was proud of me and I'm really working hard to improve myself. He thinks that for me it's all roses and flowers, he doesn't imagine how difficult it is not to be able to see my brother grow, not being able to help my mother in the housework or chat with my dad whenever I want ... How sad it is to go to sleep without receiving their goodnight kiss ... Being put on a different plane every time ... Coping with criticism ... Participating in this and that ... All alone ... Always alone ".
Dylan watches her and sighs. He understands it well, he feels the same things.
"Shen Yue, you are already a very good actress, and I know for sure that you will become even better and that you will conquer all of China, and not only, with your smile and your talent ... Don't give up, ok? Hold on, keep on work hard.Your father will soon reamin every single word he said and he will realize how many emotions you can give to people.Our is a wonderful job! We make laugh, cry, get angry, relax! "
Yue looks up and sees the light that lit up in Dylan's eyes. A smile escapes her.
He notices that she is watching him and he blushes.
"What's up?" he asks her.
"You know Didi, you're right. Thank you. And ... I hate to have to admit it in front of you, but ... You're really a special guy".
"I know, I know," he laughs, as his face grows redder.
Yue shakes her head amused, then leans over to him and gives him a small kiss on the cheek.
Dylan wides his eyes and touches his cheek with one hand.
"Thanks" he murmurs.
Yue bursts out laughing at his reaction, then gets up and falls from the stands. She goes to the center of the court, takes the ball and starts to dribble.
"Hey Didi, I defy you! Whoever wins offers dinner!"
Dylan looks at her and smiles. He thinks how much that little figure in the middle of the court, that in such a large space looks like a child, is able to move something inside him with a simple smile or a kiss on the cheek.
"You say that because you already know I'll win, do not you?" he tells her with a grin, reaching her.
She answers him pulling out her tongue.
They spend the afternoon like this, playing basketball between laughter, pushes and teasing.
Dylan takes every opportunity to touch her.
Basketball and Yue, the two things that make him feel better, in one day ... He feels so happy he can not stop smiling.
"Didi, it's almost 7 pm! I'm hungry!" exclaims Yue, after checking the time.
"Ok, but I can not let you out of here without even making a basket! Come on, come here."
Yue snorts and follows him in front of the basket.
"For what?!"
"You only think about aiming and throwing".
Yue nods, unconvinced.
Suddenly she feels Dylan's hands on her hips and her feet come off the floor. He raises her as if nothing had happened!
Yue takes aim and throws the ball towards the basket.
Dylan puts her back on the ground, without letting go of her hips.
Yue turns to him with a huge smile and jumps like crazy. Instinctively, he hugs her tightly.
Yue remains displaced for a second, then surrounds his waist with her arms and returns the hold.
They stay that way for a while, until Yue's belly begins to rumble loudly.
The two burst out laughing.
"OK, let's go eat my little pig! I won, so I'll offer you dinner" says Dylan.

They decide to return to the hotel first to take a shower and change. Once ready, Dylan knocks at Yue's door.
"Oh! Wow!" he sighs when he sees her.
Yue is wearing a pink blouse and a white flared skirt. A trickle of makeup makes her face even brighter.

 A trickle of makeup makes her face even brighter

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"What's that face?" Yue asks, uncomfortable.
"You're ... You're beautiful".
"I swear to you, you're beautiful, Shen Yue," he answers, seriously.
"Uh ... Thanks ... I ... I mean... You... You too" Yue blushes.

 You too" Yue blushes

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"Thank you, um ... Hotpot?"
Dylan's manager accompanies them to the restaurant and then leaves them alone.
During dinner, as they chat about this and that, a man with a bunch of roses approaches them.
"Good evening, sir, do you want to give a flower to your beautiful girlfriend?"
Both blush.
"I'm not his ..."
Before Yue can finish the sentence, Dylan interrupts her with a sly smile.
"I take the whole bunch," he says.
"Didi!" Yue exclaimed, widening her eyes.
He winks at her and pays the seller, who greets them happy.
"Here you go ... Love" he hands her the bouquet of roses with a grin.
"What a fool" Yue says, holding back a smile.
"What a strange girlfriend I have ... Instead of thanking me, she insults me."
"What a strange boyfriend I have ... He calls me Love without even having declared himself".
They look an embarrassed look and then burst out laughing.
"Do you want to take a walk before going back to the hotel?" Dylan offers her.
After paying the bill, they leave the restaurant and start walking in silence.
"Are you cold?" he asks her.
"Just a little".
Dylan takes off his denim jacket and uses it to cover Yue's shoulders.
"Thanks ... Now we really look like two engaged".
"Mmh ... I think we could be even more convincing ..."
Yue looks at him with a questioning look. Dylan hesitates a moment and then takes her by the hand.
They walk for a while like that, hand in hand, under the warm light of the street lamps.


Everything's perfect. Everything. The stars, the moon, this cold breeze that ruffles our hair, her scent in the air, our hands clenching, her eyes full of light ...
I stop.
"What happens?" Yue asks me.
I can not talk. I have all these emotions that swim in me ... And she is here, in front of me, as beautiful as ever.
"Didi, you're ..."
I kiss her.
After a few seconds her soft lips respond sweetly.
"Now we definitely look like an engaged couple" she sighs with a smile.
Our fronts are leaning against each other, our eyes closed, the breaths lightly breathless ...
I stroke her face.
"I love you" I tell her.
I don't care about anything anymore. I need her. I want to be with her.
"I love you" I repeat again.
It's so nice to say ...
I open my eyes and find her full of tears.
She touches my face with one hand and then stands up on tiptoe. She kisses me. Again and again...

Author's corner
Hiiiiii! 😘 How are you? I am sorry to say it, but I fear that the next one will be the last chapter 😢 an immense thank you for all your sweet comments 💜💛
A big hug! See you soon 💜💛😘

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