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Yue hears the alarm ring and she opens her eyes. A smile escapes her when she realizes she is still embracing Dylan.

Trying not to wake him up, she leans her elbows on the bed to watch him. She feels the weight of his arm on her back. His face is so relaxed ... He looks like a child. She caresses a cheek gently.

"Didi, it's time to get up" she whispers.

No reaction.

"Didi ... Come on!" she calls him a little louder.


She leans over to him and gives him a small kiss on the forehead, then on the nose, then on the cheek ...

Finally Dylan wakes up and finds Yue's face a few centimeters from his. Their eyes fit together.
"Good morning" she smiles at him.

Dylan remains breathless.

With one hand he moves the hair behind her ears.

"You're looking at me like that again" says Yue.

"As if I wanted to kiss you?"


"You're looking at me like that too."

"It's not true! " she mumbles.

Dylan laughs at her funny face.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed ... I'm beautiful, it's not easy to resist my charm" he says, winking.

"After this, I'm going" she snorts, holding back a laugh.

Before she can get up, Dylan hugs her from behind and pushes her gently onto the bed, then overwhelms her with his body. They look without even breathing.

Dylan kisses her forehead.

Suddenly, his cell phone begins to ring, so he gets up reluctantly and runs to answer.

"Hello? Yes, it's me ... Ah ... Who gave you my number? I see. Look, now I'm with a friend ..."

Yue grimaces.

"Ok, ok, so come at 11 o'clock " Dylan hangs up and sighs.

"You should go get ready, in an hour we have to shoot some scene" Yue tells him, getting out of bed.

"Mmh .... Okay. See you later" he smiles at her.


At 11:00 ...

Dylan and Yue have just finished shooting some scenes with the F3 and now the five actors are chatting to each other in the Bridge Room.

"We made the scene at least ten times because of you, Didi! You never let it stop laughing!" exclaimed Caesar.

"Yeah, you're particularly happy today ... Did something nice happen tonight?" asks Leong, mischievously.

Dylan blushes and does not answer.

"Is it your merit , Yueyue?" Darren adds, addressing the girl.

She starts to reply, but a female voice interrupts her.


A very long haired girl runs towards them and clings to Dylan's neck.

"She's the girl who danced with him last night ... So she was on the phone this morning... That's why he's so happy" thinks Yue to herself.

"Hi Yuri" greets him, embarrassed.

"I'm glad you agreed to see me, Didi! Would you like to go to eat something together?"

"Yuri, I accepted because last night I was rude to you and I wanted to apologize in person ... I don't want to eat together".

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