The Knight Bus

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The doorbell chimes and a shrill voice thunders,
"_____! _____!"

You bound down the stairs and into the front hall, where Aunt Frigga and cousin Hela stand stiffly. Frigga flicks a bit of fluff from Hela's sweater, then she glowers crossly at you and jerks her head toward the door.

"Well, go on. Open it." She says.

You reach for the knob when- BLAM! It bursts open, revealing a very tall, very square, stern faced woman.

Aunt Amora and...her large waddling bulldog named Keep.

Uncle Odin lurches forward out of the teeming rain outside, an enormous suitcase in hand. He drops it on you, and for a moment you nearly collapse under the weight.

"Amora, Welcome! How was the train?" Aunt Frigga asks.

"Horrible, Keep got sick." Amora grumbles.

"Ah. How...unfortunate." Frigga says through a gritted smile.

You hold back a snicker, having a dog in the house was going to make Aunt Frigga miserable; she hated messy things.

"I would've left him with the others, but he pines so when I'm away. Don't you, darling?" Aunt Amora puckers her lips at Keep and leads him down the hallway. She breeds dogs for a living, you'd think she would be able to handle not having a one with her for a single weekend.

You follow your Uncle, "Uncle Odin, I need you to sign this form."

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Something" He eyes the bit of parchment in your hand suspiciously, it was a Midsmead permission form; without it, you'd be unable to go on the periodic visits with the rest of your class.

"Hm, later perhaps, if you behave."

"I will if she does." You grunt.

Aunt Amora eyes you as you walk into the kitchen, "So. Still here, are you?"


"Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful tone. Good of my brother to keep you, if you ask me." She turns to your Aunt and Uncle, "It'd have been straight to an orphanage if she'd been dumped on my doorstep."

Just then Hela, sitting comatose before the TV, emits a hollow, brain-dead chuckle.

"Is that my Little La! Hm? Is that my wonderful niece? Come and say hello to your Auntie."

Amora flashes a thick wad of cash. Hela blinks, then strides forward, and extends her thin boney palm obediently. You look on, and see Keep snuffling about his ankle.

You should've known that things could only get worse, this was the life compared to what was about to happen.

As you clear the dinner dishes, Uncle Odin brings out a bottle of brandy.

"Can I tempt you, Amora?" He smiles. Though, he looked a bit like a rat.

"Just a small one. A bit more...a bit more... That's the boy." She takes a sloppy sip, "Aah. Excellent supper, Frigga. It's normally just a quick meal for
me, what with twelve dogs." She smacks her lips, lowers her brandy, and lets Keep take a slobbery lap out of the glass; she looks up and catches you looking on in disgust.

"What are you smirking at!—Where is it that you send her, Odin?" Amora says.

"St. Bertha's. It's a first-rate girls institution for hopeless cases." Odin answers.

Hearing this, you frown, and your Uncle glares darkly at you.

"I see. And do they use the cane at St. Bertha's"

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