Ask the Characters: Responses

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Had so much fun writing these, thank you for all the questions!!!! I might have missed some but I feel like I got most of them.

Q: What was your first impression of Peter and do you believe your relationship will last forever?

A: I thought he was very kind for wanting to be my first ever friend! It feels so long ago thinking about it. He's a bit of a dork at times but I think it's adorable. I don't think I even realized I had feelings for him at first. I like the thought of a future with Peter, but it's something I've never thought about, or had to luxury to think about. I'm not sure my future is very bright, and I want Peter to have a wonderful life, so if my path prevents that...I don't want him involved with me.

Q: If you and Peter were in different houses, would you still be together?

A: I think it would be harder to hang out with Peter, but he'd still be the same person, just a different house.

Q: On a scale of one to ten how much do you love Peter? And do you feel guilty about Michelle liking him too?

A: I don't think you can really scale your love towards a person, and I can't say ten because I feel like that's when you get married, so I guess I'll just say I love him a lot? I used to be really mad that Michelle was in love with Peter, but now I think she understands, I feel guilty in the sense that I know I'm keeping Michelle from someone that she really does love, but they can always be friends.

Q: Would you and y/n still be together if you were in different houses?

A: It would totally be harder to pursue a relationship but that wouldn't stop me from liking her.

Q: If y/n wasn't alive, would you ever think about dating Michelle?

A: To be honest, I don't like thinking about a world where y/n isn't alive. Michelle is great and all, but I'm not sure our relationship would last very long. Maybe a summer fling but nothing serious.

Q: What if you met a doppelgänger of yourself who happened to be British?

A: I'd ask him if maybe he has a twin brother? Or...maybe we could hang out and switch lives for a day! I've always wondered what it would be like to be a muggle...

Q: When did you first realize you had feelings for y/n? What was your first impression of her?

A: I remember when I first realized my feelings for her were romantic, it was third year and we were by the fire. I remember looking at her in the light, I thought about how pretty she looked, and I just leaned it. I swear we we're about to kiss, but I think Michelle caught us haha...My first impression of her was just kinda of awe struck, like woah, I'd just met the girl who defeated Thanos as a baby, that's awesome dude!

Q: How long do you think you and y/n will last? Do you think that the next step in your relationship is nearing?

A: I dunno...I like to think after school, maybe go into careers together? Start a— ah, I like to take everything one day as a time because when you're us crazy things always happen. As for the next step in our relationship? I feel like we're still just kids, maybe when we're older we can decide what we both want.


A: ...T-thanks ☺️. I s-suppose it's just genetics.

Q: Do you still have your spider sense and powers from the mcu?

A: I-I don't know what that means. All I know is I'm very afraid of spiders. I suppose I have good senses, and my agility and dexterity are above average, but that might be because I'm magic, if that's what you're asking.

Q: Do you want us to rescue you from Sony?

A: Is that some that works with Thanos?! Is he coming to kidnap me!?

Q: Do you plan on having a future with y/n?

A: I would like to, I'm hoping nothing, or no one is going to prevent that...

Q: Do you have any nicknames for y/n?

A: I tried to call her "Little Lightning" once, because of the scar, ya know? Yeah, she threatened to hex me...

Q: Do you like Peter and y/n together or do you still want to be with him/have feelings for him?

A: If Peter and y/n being together makes them happy, I'll be as supportive as possible. It's hard because I— I still do like him. I do feel bad about it sometimes. I don't think I would ever act on my feelings for Peter unless he was single.

Q: Do you ever get scared being the hero?

A: When I was young I was afraid all the time, but now I'm so used to certain things that they no longer scare me. Not to say I don't fear the future or fear for someone else's future, but being heroic is something I do not think twice about anymore.

Q: Do you have feelings for Betty Brant?

A: You can never tell anyone in Gryffindor this, but me and Betty went on a date on Valentines Day. We we're almost right behind Peter and Y/n, it was a close call. But, I don't see our relationship ever being serious...

Q: What's it like being Peter's friend and what's your opinion of him and y/n's relationship?

A: Peter and I haven't had the chance to hang out much recently, but he's a great person, and we're  like brothers. I'm glad him and y/n are so happy together, I think she's the only thing that pulled him out of his depression when Ben died, I'm pretty grateful for that.

Q: Do you and Peter have a secret handshake?

A: Quiet down! It's super secret! Not even Y/n knows about it...

Q: Do you happen to enjoy chimichangas? Or is that not your thing?

A: Amazing that the author lets your guys poke an prod at us like zoo animals, oops she said I'm not supposed break the fourth wall, sorry. Chimichangas are pretty f**kin awesome, but seeing as I go to a non-Mexican wizard school, they're are hard to come by. I've resorted to having a rampant addiction to pancakes.

Q: How are things with you and Gwen going?

A: It's hard...Ultron gave her veritaserum and she told him about Strange's Army. She's really angry about what Michelle did to her forehead, and I don't blame her. Our relationship has been on again off again, but we've always stayed friends in between.

Q: Is their a reason you hate y/n besides your father not liking her?

A: Believe it or not, that wretched boy, Peter Parker and I used to be friends. If not for him and Marvel becoming such good friends, and...well lovers now I suppose, Peter could've been on my side— not that he means anything to me anymore. It's just a waste of a pureblood.

Q: If you had to color your hair any color what would it be?

Y/n's A: (your color of choice)

Michelle's A: I'd figure I'd like to be rebellious and have bright pink hair!

Ned's A: Maybe...dark blue?

Peter's A: I've always wondered what I'd be like to be a blonde...

Miles' A: I'd love red tips on my hair.

Wade's A: Neon rainbow with glitter 😌

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