Day Eleven - Decorating the Tree

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 "Come on, I can't be doing all the lifting," Dean accused as he walked towards the front door of the house, Christmas tree in hand, Seth bringing up the rear.

"I'm trying here! You're walking too fast!" Seth complains, struggling with the tree.

"I'm walking backward carrying this heavy ass tree, you can keep you."

Seth huffs, "Just go, my hands are getting sap all over them." The two finally made it to the house and found a place to set down the large tree. Before they had left for the tree farm, they are brought out all the Christmas things down to the living room. The two are slightly panting and Seth walks off to wash his hands in the kitchen sink.

Dean joins him and wraps his arms around Seth's waist. He presses a kiss to the back of Seth's head, "It's about to get real festive in here."

Seth smiled, "You know it." He turned and dries off his hands and pulls Dean to him, "I'm so happy we got some time off for the holiday."

Dean hummed, "Me too." He pressed a few quick kisses to Seth's lips, "Now, let's go get this tree set up and get it decorated." Seth smiled and nodded, following Dean into the living room. They cut the wire that held the tree together and smiled as it fluffed up. Together, they set the tree in the tree stand and secured it.

"Be right back," Seth said. He left and then returned with a large thing of water and used it to water the tree. "Alright, first the lights. Pretty sure they're in that box over there," Seth said and pointed to a box on the floor.

"Wait! Not yet, we aren't ready!" Dean said and frantically walked away from the tree and towards the tv. He switched on the tv and put on a Christmas playlist on Spotify. He cranked up the volume and turned back to Seth, a content smile on his face, "Much better." The two men began with the lights, passing the bunched up lights back and forth as they wove the lights into the tree. Finally, they reached the bottom of the tree and plugged in the lights.

"Looks great," Seth said with a proud smile as he looked at the pretty lights to donned the tree. "Okay, decorations. Grab that box, they should be there." Dean did as Seth asked and brought over a large box. There are smaller boxes filled with different decorations.

"Let's start with the special ones first," Dean suggests as he fishes out the box. The first one he pulls out is the gingerbread ornament of himself and then finds the other two gingerbread Seth and Roman ornaments, "We should definitely start with these."

Seth smiles and takes himself in gingerbread form, "Should we call Roman and have him hang his mini-me on the tree?" Seth joked.

"I'm not sure he could get here fast enough, but wait-" Dean said. He opened his phone and Seth heard the distinct sound of a FaceTime call being made. Seth smiled and joined Dean by his side waiting for Roman to answer.

"Hey you two, what's up?" Roman says as he looks at his two best friends.

"We're decorating the tree and wanted to FaceTime you while we hang up the mini gingerbread Roman," Dean said with a laugh.

"Aw, well I'm honored," Roman says with a laugh. Dean turns the camera around and focuses it on Seth as he approaches the tree. First, he and Dean place their own gingerbread men on the tree and then place Roman's gingerbread man on the tree close by their own.

"There, now at least we're somewhat together for the holiday," Dean said.

"Next year, Christmas at my house," Roman suggested, but it was more of a decisive decision.

"Sounds good, hey we'll let ya go," Dean said.

"Have fun you two, talk to ya later. Love you both," Roman said with a smile on his face.

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