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~Michaels POV
"JEREMY NO!" I screamed. The nurses around me were startled.

"Lay down, it's okay. Get the doctor, someone call his gaurdian." The nurse said.

"Jeremy, where is he? I need-.." I started to cough. I looked around. "I'm....I'm..." I started to tear up.

"Michael, do you know where you are?" The doctor shines a light in my eyes.

"The hospital I think. I thought I was dead. I need to call Jeremy." I looked around helplessly for my phone. "I need my glasses." I started to cry, I'm not sure why.

"Michael, you're awake?" My uncles girlfriend came in and hugged me. She kissed my face and wouldn't let go.

"Jeremy..." is all I could manage to say. I felt dizzy once more. I laid back down on the hospital cot.

"Sweetie, he hasn't been here in a few weeks."


"Call him." I say in a demanding, but almost lifeless voice. I had just spent all of my energy looking for my phone.

"Michael, why don't you rest for a bit first." The doctor said.

"Shut up!" I say. "I've been laying down for weeks and I just want to see Jeremy. I am scared he's going to hurt himself."

"Months." My uncle enters the room. "You've been asleep for about six months." I began to cry.

"Months..." the room was spinning and i had passed out.


"Michael." Echoed throughout my pounding head.

"What." I say in a grouchy voice.

"How are you feeling?" I opened my eyes to Jeremy peering over me.

"Like shit." I sat up and rubbed my cast on my arm.

"Is your arm alright? That was quite the crash you were in. I was very worried Michael. Why didn't you call me? You haven't spoken to me in a week!" Jeremy was basically on top of me.

"Jesus, Jeremy. It's like seven in the morning. Why are you asking me so many questions?" I run my hand through my hair.

"I thought I lost you. My father told me that you had wrecked your cruiser! I couldn't get in contact with you! Your mothers are out of town, so they didn't even know. What happened Michael?" I looked away.

"I just got run off of the road. That's all." I continued to look at the "Majora's Mask" poster on my wall.

"Michael, look at me." So I did as I was told. I looked at Jeremy. "What happened?" I looked into his eyes, and I felt hot tears build up in mine.

"I'm so sorry." Is all I could manage to get out. Jeremy grasped onto me, being careful of my arm.

"Michael, what did you do?" Jeremy asked calmly in my ear while we hugged.

"I didn't think that you would care. I didn't think anyone would care." I sobbed.

"Care about what, Michael?" this time he was very serious...and scared.

"I don't want to live anymore, Jeremy." I said looking into his eyes. His expression changed from concerned to sad. Then from sad to angry. "Jeremy?"

"Fuck you, Michael."

"What?" My flashbacks were mixing.

"You left me alone."

"I left you alone? I left you alone? Do you recall what you said to me? You compared me to Chloe. Some slut trying to get with you. You said I was jealous just like her! Then you continued on to call me a loser, before LEAVING ME! I have a right, you know? It's not written in ink, but it's common courtesy to I don't know, not abandon your friend alone in the bathroom. Alone with no friends. No one else to care. So I was allowed to want to die. I was allowed to feel suicidal because I had nothing left." I stopped to breathe. "My own mother said that I will never amount to anything in this family." I paused once more. "I'm just a loser. I will always be just a loser."


I opened my eyes to a bright light. This is it. I finally died.

"Why didn't anyone call me?" I hear.

"You haven't been around, I figured you didn't care all that much." Another voice said.

"Didn't care?! How could I not care? I was the only one there for him the first time he tried to kill himself! I was here, I was here to comfort him. But I'm not enough." The voice began to break.

"Jeremy.." I said in faint words.

"I will" his tears became sobs.

"Jeremy." I said once more.

"Michael?" I saw him walk towards me.

"Your arm. What happened to your arm?" I asked.

"Nothing don't worry about it." He wanted to change the subject, but could not find the words.

"You're enough. I promise. I just want to go home." I say looking at my uncle.

"Next week, if you remain stable. But you will be put on a mental health watch, on anti depressants and anxiety medication." The doctor said. "The watch is only for two months, and your friend Jeremy volunteered to do it for you." I smiled a bit.

"Two whole months with me doing nothing but watching you. Are you even ready for this shit?" Jeremy tried to joke, but the darkness from the humor did not make him laugh.

"I am ready, Player 2."

By HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now