Everything About You is So Terrible

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"Han pasado dos meses, hijo." Was said to me at the dinner table.

"I know, tío." I refused to look him in the eye.

"¿Por qué tu amigo sigue aquí?" He eyed Jeremy sitting next me. He looked up at me. It was obvious that she was talking about him. 'Amigo' is not a hard word.

"He is my best friend." Is all I said. He gave me an evil look.

"Both of you can talk after dinner." My uncles girlfriend said. I was honestly starting to like her more.

"Yes ma'am." I continued to pick at the food on my plate. After dinner Jeremy walked home and I went upstairs to my room. Jeremy had called me whilst he walked.

"Are you okay? What was that about with your uncle?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. But I think he is coming up to my room right now." I was right. The door opened and closed behind him.

"Is he here?" he asked.

"No, tío." I said.

"Gay?" He asked.

"Qué?" I asked.

"¿Crees que eres gay?" He asked me.

"...yo no sé." I responded to her as vague as I could.

"No." Tío said. "No se te permite." I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Not allowed? You can not tell me that I'm not allowed to like boys when your sister was married to a woman!" She slapped me.

"You do not speak to me like that, hijo." He said. "Te amo tu madre." He paused. "She just didn't make the right, hm, ¿como se dice elección?"

"Choice." I say. "You think being gay is a choice?" I ask.

"¡Sí!" He yells. "Why else would you be?" He asked.

"I was born like this."

"¡Fuiste criado por diques!" My tío yells again.

"You know nothing about my mothers!" He punched me in the jaw.

"Pero lo hago, hijo." He caressed my face.

"I am not your son." I looked at him sternly.

"Si fueras a morir, irías al infierno." He smiled.

"I'll see you there." I said standing up. He punched me in my mouth.

"That boy is not allowed under this roof again. Comprende?" My tío rubbed his knuckles.

"Fuck. You." I say. He grabbed me by the hood and threw me against the desk in my room.

"Sleep tight Chico coño." He slammed the door behind him. I laid on the floor whimpering and demanding for my own death.

"Michael..." i heard come from my bed. I look at the bed and Jeremy was still on the phone. "Mikey your face!" He yelled through FaceTime.

"I have to go."

"Michael no-." I pressed the red button and went to the bathroom to wipe my face. My lip was busted open and the blood was dripping to the floor. I cleaned up the mess of my face. I pressed some cotton on my lip.

I went back to my room and opened up my phone. I dialed a number that i surprisingly still remembered.




"Hello?" Was answered.

"Rich?" I asked.

"Michael where the fuck have you been? I haven't seen you since the party!" I didn't answer him right away. "Michael, whats wrong?"

"Can you come over?" My voice was breaking.

"Yes. I'll be right there."

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