Chapter 6

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Hallo :)

P.o.v Mia

I leaned that everyone was uptight here over the next few days, and can understand why, obviously, and even uncle Pete was getting like them. No one would tell us why or what was going on, all 'classified information', so mom, dad, and I just went about our own business, trying not to die from boredom.

"Mom, do you want to go walk around?" I asked loudly, getting her attention so she'd pull her headphones out. "I'm not really up for it right now, Mia." She groaned, sticking her headphones back in and rolling over so her back faced me. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. So it's one of those days then? She gets in these moods sometimes at home, and I have learned to just leave her be, so I'll go anyway.

"Dad?" I asked, and he pretended to consider for a moment, "hmmmmm.... N-yes. I'm about to die- again! -from lack of fun. Let's go." He said, bouncing off the bed and I laughed, knowing mom couldn't hear me.

We both ran out of the room and down some halls, neither of us realizing for a while that we were the only ones in them except for the occasional rushed employee running past.

Dad and I slowed down after a while, "Where is everyone?" I asked, "And where are we?"

He stopped, leaning against the wall behind us, catching his breath, "good questions. Don't have answers." He replied, chuckling.

Down the hall we were in I could hear voices, and one stood out. I motioned for dad to follow, and we pressed our ears to the door. "That's Pete," He whispered after a few moments, nodding.

"Let's go annoy him." I replied, smirking and opening the door quickly. I really wish I hadn't, cause I walked into a room with a long table, Pete and a couple people at one end, and a strange guy at the other, six men surrounding him on either side of his chair. When I opened the door everyone stopped and stared at us- well, just me, but dad was there anyway.

I made eye contact with the guy, who looked to be in his early 30s. The thing that caught my attention about him was his eyes. They were a shade of blue I had never seen before, almost neon, seemingly glowing even in the light. He stared at me with his lip quirked up and the color in his eyes seemed to move mysteriously like the ocean on a stormy day. I barely noticed uncle Pete trying to get my attention while I was lost at sea in those eyes. "Yeah?" I replied after hearing my name for the third time.

"Why don't you go sit over there for now." Uncle Pete suggested, pointing to a chair next to where I came in. I nodded silently and went to sit down as Pete turned to face his audience. "Sorry-" he began, but was immediately interrupted. "I was informed that this was a formal meeting, not some clubhouse for children." The man said in a deep, aggravated tone, his eyes now locked on Pete.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Reynolds, my niece was probably looking for the lunchroom and happened to stumble upon us, do continue, we were discussing a deal." He said, folding his hands professionally on the table.

The man turned his gaze back to me, and when he didn't answer uncle Pete prodded more, "What do you want to keep the peace?"

"Her." His simple reply came, his deep voice vibrating through my bones like a chill that decided it wanted to stay.

Please leave comments below!!! Love to talk and hear your opinions<3 sorry it was kinda short :/ but left ya on a bit of a cliffhanger Mwahahaha

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