Chapter 9

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Why is it that my favorite place in the world is sitting alone in my room doing nothing but listening to music?

P.o.v Patrick

The rage I was experiencing was like no other feeling in the world, the corners of my eyesight red, my skin tingling, my head pounding, barely being able to think straight.

And suddenly, everyone was staring at me. Me. The ghost stuck in between. Invisible. Well, I guess not anymore. Everything about this day has just been confusing and overwhelming.

I stared straight back at Terron, breathing heavily as he smirked dangerously, and the only thought in my mind was a simple word- Mia.

I have to keep her safe. But how? How the actual fuck did I even do that?

As Terron slowly got to his feet, I stood up a bit straighter, curling my hands into fists, never breaking the intense stare down between us.

I barely even noticed when heavily armed men came storming into the room, "Don't move or we will not hesitate to shoot!" One shouted, pointing his weapon at Terron. In turn, he slowly turned to face the young military officer, and laughed. He took a step forward and the officers opened fire on him. But he didn't even react. Didn't even flinch as bullet-after-bullet hit him.

Through the door on the opposite end, many more armed men came running in, this time on Terron's team. That's when all hell broke loose. Bullets flying everywhere, bodies dropping, people running, screams echoing. And that's when I ran to Mia, scooping her shaking form up in my arms and making a run for the door. Miraculously, we didn't get hit, and I kept running, not looking back.

I held her close to my chest and kissed her forehead, trying to keep her calm though I knew she was probably going into shock.

I tried opening a door labeled 'exit' but it was locked, so I ran until I found another one, which was also locked. "Shit!" I yelled, kicking the wall angrily, beginning to freak out. Suddenly, the lights flickered off and buzzed, darkness surrounding us, the sounds of battle still heard from where we were.

"Daddy," She whispered as soon as it happened, gripping tighter to me. "I know, sweetheart. Shh, it's ok." I tried soothing her as I ran desperately to find an open door. And eventually I did, except it wasn't an exit, but what appeared to be a board room.

I set Mia down on the ground in the farthest corner and closed the door, locking it. I hurried back to her and sat down, pulling her into me again. "I won't let anything happen to you, baby. I will not let him touch you again." I whispered, rubbing small patterns on her back with my fingers.

I couldn't shield her from the sounds of death and gun shots, and didn't have any idea of what else to do.

So I did the only thing I could do, knew how to do.

I sang to her.

Kind of a filler chapter but I hope you enjoyed, more coming soon! Please leave your opinions in the comments<3

And quick question:

Do any of you watch Sherlock?

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