Chap. 1 Mistakes

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"Master, you sent for me?" I asked kneeling.

"walk with me Keevara" he said motioning besides him.

I stood up and went besides him. We walked out towards the garden, as did some guards as well. I sensed something was the matter and didn't let my guard down. He stopped and put is face in his palm.

"Master?" I reassured him.

"Keevara, you were told" he said.

"Have you gone mad!" He snapped at me and raised his hands in frustration.

I stood there frozen, not knowing what to say. For I knew what he was implying to.

"have you forgotten the tenets of the creed, the rules to be an assassin! Killing your brothers! All of them your students! You have brought shame on us!"

He scolded me as he got in my face.

He narrowed his gaze, "Tell me Keevara." A moment of silence happend before he let out the question I feared him to ask, "was your mission successful?"

I looked down a little.

"Not..not entirely." I answered softly knowing what I had done.

"You slaughtered an innocent! You had an unsuccessful mission! And more importantly you killed all your students!" He yelled towards me as his eyes boiled with rage.

He looked away and signaled to the guards. I looked surprised at him as they grabbed ahold of my arms. I then became enraged at his actions, he did not even ask me what had happened, asked my side in the situation, instead he jumped to conclusions just...just like those damned Templars!

I then snapped at him with rage in my eye that I knew that he could sense "The creed is not for us to be enslaved by you! It is to make us feel freedom! To become one with truth! And lotalty!"I yelled back at him.

He turned around abruptly and pointed his finger at me.

"How dare you speak lowly of me! The creed is for us to follow, Do not tell me what YOU believe the creed is!?" He then looked at the guards and then at me as if he where telling them something. "A girl should've never been aloud in the Assassin's in the first place, despite of who you are" he paused a moment before continuing "Get her out of my sight." He said turning back around looking out to the horizon.

"Oh and fetch Altaïr will you?" He said to the guards.

At that comment I acted as one condemned, the guards took me away, as they did I tried to escape their grasp but I couldn't. They seemed much stronger than I, even though I was a much higher rank than them I still felt weak, perhaps, maybe it was the feeling of betrayal that the Master had shown to me. Why would he ask for Altaïr anyways?

Altaïr's P.O.V.

"Master, their must be another way? Perhaps I could teach her our ways, drop her ranks till she's worthy." I suggested.

Al Maulim paced around his desk. Thoughts going through his head. taking in what I had suggested. After a few moments pacing and thinking he stopped.

"Very well, but I am banishing her until she's ready to come back," he faced me. "I know you two aren't very found of each other, it's been a battle with both of you ever sense you were little lads," he hesitated a bit. " both have grown into adults, it's reality now not playing."

I nodded and started in my way to tell Keevara the news, I should probably let Nazar do it they are pretty close.

I existed the castle as I spotted Nazar. He was in the practicing ring fighting Malik. I walked down the steps that lead down to the ring. once I got there Malik and Nazar were already done.

*EDITING* Her Savior ( An Assassin's creed Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now