Chap. 2 Surprising visit

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Two months had passed since my banishment. Altaïr had made sure to give little targets to me so I'd learn to be an Assassin, I hated him so much it was infuriating. The last two months the Templars have become more of themselves. Increasing in numbers and killing my brothers. I keep asking Altaïr to give me a higher skilled Templar to eliminate, but he refuses because of the master. I get so angry that I leave the campsite and go climb a tree. It clears my mind from everything. It calms me. It seems that I can breathe better up there. Alatïr has been alright the last few days, he's not on my ass all the time now.

"I believe that Nazar has news for us." He informed me as he leaned against the tree watching my training. "He said he needs to meet with us."

"Where will we be meeting?." I asked him.

"Here actually. He shouldn't be long." He said.

"Very well." I told him.

I sat down near the tree where our fire was. I was fiddling with my hidden blade as Nazar walked up to us. I looked up as I did I felt my mouth twitch as I was trying to smile. It's been two months since I've seen this man, all the sudden he appears now? Why? I thought.

"Keevara, I must speak with you" he insisted.

"What's wrong? What about Altaïr?" I asked him looking down.

"Come here." he told me. He looked upset, very upset. Had something happened?

I walked over to him and we walked out into the opening a but away from Altaïr. "What is it? Why did you come, if not for me then who?" I asked him.

He turned around and looked up. "The brotherhood is falling apart." He said.

"What are you saying, speak more sence Nazar." I said to him with a worried expression on my face.

He grabbed my hands and kneeled down.

He totally ignores me, "Oh Keevara, I miss you! I should of left with you that day. I was wrong. You have to get out of here, run and never come back." he explained.

"But why?" I asked confused.

"He's going to kill you. He's after me too, I know to much so that makes me a threat. I have a feeling that if you don't go now you'll be history," he pauses briefly "and I believe Altaïr has something to do with it, I am not certain but keep your wits about you." he whispered as he warned me.

He got back up and cupped my face and kissed me heavenly. I wrapped my arms around him as our tongues danced with each other. I looked into his blue eyes and smiled, then and only then was I ever truly happy.

"I'll always love you, you should be safe in Tyre." he told me.

"I love you too, but I still need more explaining from you." I demanded.

"No, no there is no time. Leave Keevara, leave now with Altaïr he's already promised me to keep you safe." he said as he pushed me away.

"Yeah safely killed," said sarcastically. "if what you said about him is true then I cannot go with him. That would be death just screaming my name." I said quietly.

"Yes, but he's all you have that's close enough to safety."

I huffed at him in annoyance. "I will do it because I love you."

I began gathering some things with me. I began to shake, and breath heavily. I was scared, not for me but for the brotherhood, my brothers, for Nazar.

"I have to get back they will notice soon." Nazar said. He grabbed my hand stopping me from gathering my things. "Keevara it'll be alright. I love you." He said as he noticed my shaking, he placed his hand to my cheek, as he did I moved my face towards his hand. I placed my hand on top of his as a tear slid down my face.

"I love you too."

I turned towards Altaïr. He seemed to know what I was indicating because he began to untie the reins of our horses.

"We need out of here." I told him.

"I know." he told me motioning to get on the horse.

"Thank you for everything brother." I said as I smiled to Nazar.

"Let peace be with you Keevara." He said. He stared running back towards Masyaf. Did he not have enough time to get a horse?

Altaïr and I began our way to Tyre, as we galloped our horses I was softly crying to myself. I'll always will love you Nazar, always.

Nazar's P.O.V.

"She's been targeted, a sister of the brotherhood or not, You, all of us have a mission Nazar." The Master said.

"I will not let you have her!" I yelled.

"The women has corrupted your soul with love!"

"I love her, but killing her would be a mistake." I informed him.

"You will be known as a traitor, do you wish that over your duty as an Assassin?"

"I'd much rather die than to live knowing you have broke the creed also. Our own Master."

"Your just like her, to stubborn to see what you have put us through.. you are to be hanged tomorrow. You can't listen then I will ease your pain by killing you." He said as guards grabbed ahold of me.

"You Will be exposed! Keevara will learn and discover your disloyalties to the brotherhood!" I struggled against the guards as they pulled me out.

Keevara's POV

I had finally stopped crying. It seemed like it was never going to stop. My heart was heavy, my eyes swollen, and to think that it was all going to get better. I hated the master, as did I Altaïr. But Nazar was right, Altaïr is all I have right now so I have to try to trust him.


"What is it?" He said looking back at me over his shoulder.

"Are you only helping me because you have a contract on me?" I asked him cautiously. He stopped his horse, as did I.

He let out a long sigh. "no, I'm helping you because you need it," he looked at me and narrowed his gaze. "We are in the same brotherhood, are we not? Why do you feel that you are targeted?"

"Nazar told me, he mentioned you were part of it and you are going to kill me," I shrugged my shoulders, "it makes sense really, we both despise each other."

He looked down as if he was thinking then looked back up. "yes it does but my duty right now is not to kill you, And if Master has sent someone after you I will protect you, your innocence is more important then death"

"S-so you believe me? You know I had nothing to do with what happened?" We both hoped off our horses.

"I'm not saying you didn't do it, but I don't think it was all you, I think you were framed, but why is the question."

We sat down right outside of Tyre, they don't let people in or out after dark because all of the thieves and bandits lurking about. I covered myself up with my blanket, "well I did hear Master talking to someone. I didn't recognize the voice, but they were talking about a princess and Templars." Altaïr looked at me.


"Yeah, I'm not sure why he would be," I laughed. "Master has really deceived me. Next thing I know he'll put a contract on me for death."

*EDITING* Her Savior ( An Assassin's creed Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now