Chap. 3 Masters orders

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2 months earlier..

Ataïr's P.O.V.

"She is a burden to us all, she must be demised, understood, Altaïr?" Al Maulim explained. "And if anyone gets in your way..." He added turning to face me."eliminate them as well."

"An innocent..even?" I asked surprised.

"If it comes to that, yes." he said.

"But that's against the cre-"

"I know! Just do as I say, it's her fault! You know she killed her brothers." He bursted out.

" you wish Master.." I said lowering my head in respect.

I turned Around to head down the steps, but stopped and glanced back at the Al Maulim. "If I may ask Master," I faced towards him once more. "There must be another way? Perhaps I could teach her our ways, drop her ranks till she's worthy." I suggested.

Al Maulim paced around his desk. Thoughts going through his head. taking in what I had suggested. After a few moments pacing and thinking he stopped.

"Very well, but I am banishing her until she's ready to come back," he faced me. "I know you two aren't very found of each other, it's been a battle with both of you ever sense you were little," he hesitated a bit. " both have grown into adults, it's reality now not playing. I know you'll do the right thing."


Present time..

Keevara's P.O.V.

I was safely outside Tyre now, with Altïar and it was (from the look of the moon) about midnight. My head was spinning with confusion.

I looked at the horizon, I became stunned at the sight of the city. It looked as it was attacked brutally over and over again. I rested my head down, I peaked at Altaïr to see if he was awake, I could never tell. I went ahead and sat up as I pulled out the letter Nazar had handed me.

"Should i?" I asked myself placing a finger on the red imprinted seal.

I began to open it slowly, scared to see what it said. when I finally opened it all the way I saw the Templar insignia in the right hand corner. When I saw that I became very confused, I did not know why Master sent me this, especially it being a Templar insignia, not an Assassin one. I began reading what it said:

Dear Keevara Al' Faysal,

My daughter, my sweet sweet daughter. I know when you started reading this you became very confused. But by this you have been banished from the sanctuary, that is why you are reading this now. Your master sensed it be time that you come home..I'll explain everything once I see you again.


Your Mother The Empress

I was stunned, my mind all over the place at these words before me. I'm a princess? That would make me...

"Oh can't be." I said aloud.

I looked at the letter over and over again to see something I missed, something telling me it was all fake, but no it's all real and, I have a mother..according to the Templar insignia, she's a Templar, my enemy, well at least I thought. Why would the Master keep an Templar as an assassin? Is that why my brothers attacked me that night? Was it his orders of getting rid of me? This is a lot to take in. Perhaps I should go see my 'mother' as she called it. But what if it's a trick? Still, why would the Master keep me and not kill me right when I was sent off to Masyaf? Knowing I was a Templar? Knowing I'm a enemy? Then I realized what Nazar said to me; He is coming to kill you. I replayed it in my head for some time being, then returning to the real world. How am I supposed to even find my mother? With all these questions bothering me I screamed out of frustration and stood up. Altaïr noticed.

"What is it?" He asked siting up as well.

"Nothing, I can't sleep so I get mad when I can't sleep." Its not that I don't want to tell him, I just don't like him. I don't trust him. But really what I said wasn't a lie, I was truly mad that I couldn't sleep. He then gave me a look of concern that furrowed his brow. Did he not believe me?

"what? It's to damn hot out here. I can't sleep even if I needed to." I told him huffing at his face expression. "you know, you really annoy me."

He chuckled. "I haven't done enough for you to be annoyed."

"Ahhg!" I huffed out. "Your face is enough!" I quickly got up and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" He called out to me.

"Away from you for a bit," I sighed, knowing him he probably thinks I'll take off. "And don't worry I'll be back, I need to clear my head."


*EDITING* Her Savior ( An Assassin's creed Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now