Chap. 4 Unknown secrects

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"Where are you going?" He called out to me.

"Away from you for a bit," I sighed, knowing him he probably thinks I'll take off. "And don't worry I'll be back, I need to clear my head."

I can't believe this, I'm a Templar. I stop in my tracks and look back, the fire flickered with light. Altaïr had gotten up and started following me. I huff in annoyance.

"Didn't you hear me?" I ask as he got closer.

"You read it, didn't you?" He asked ignoring my question. The question caught me off guard. "What-well..yes. I did."

"I just can't believe that I'm a Templar. It's all so..." I collapsed to my knees.

"Unreal?" He asked me as I looked up at him.

He knelt down by me. I hadn't felt comfortable around him until now, and the feeling was odd. I shifted around and sat down, he did the same. We sat there for a while until he broke the silence.

"I knew about it." He admitted. The feeling of confront left. I glanced at him, then looked forward again. "Master threatened me if I told you, so I hated you instead."

"When did you find out?" I asked him still looking at the torch lights of the city.

"When I was 12, I came upon the letter. It was laid out on Masters desk." He chuckled. "I was curious." I looked at him. His hood hiding all but his smile.

"What did you think?" I stared down at the letter. "I mean, you must've wanted me dead after that."

"I've always wanted you dead, that just proved it more, my hatred for you was heightened." He chuckled again. "After that I just showed it." I place my hand over the scar on my right cheek.

"That one day, in the ring." I looked up at him. "You truly were trying to kill me, then the instructor stopped you." He looked at me, the darkness shielding his face. "That day you made me look weak, I was 10. You beat me so bad I puked afterwards." I glared at him. "I vowed to be better than you, After that I trained day and night, so when we faced each other again," I hesitated a little. "I would bring you close to death. So close that you wouldn't hear your own breathing." I stare at him a while longer before I stood up. "Wake me when it's daylight." I said once more as I walked towards the campfire. I hated him. Truly.

Altaïrs P.O.V.

I watched her walk back to camp. A little later I followed, I sat down near the fire. She had laid down to sleep, her back away from me.

"I looked up to you you know." I look at her. "You broke that."

After she said that I laid down to sleep, the stars glistened and the wind soft and sweet.

"I did too." I whispered softly, assuming she was sleeping.


Keevara's P.O.V.

"I did too." He whispered softly. I glanced over my shoulder. He was laying on his back gazing at the sky. He's a puzzle, an unsolved riddle. I turned back around reading the letter over and over again until I fell asleep.

"Keevara, wake up." I opened my eyes, the morning sun light stinging. I abruptly shut them again just as I began to stretch. "Lets go, we need to make our way through the city." Altaïr said as he started packing up.

*EDITING* Her Savior ( An Assassin's creed Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now