Three Good Men and Strange Dreams

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I chortled at another one of Arthur's stories to the point that I couldn't breathe. It lifted my spirits to see him smile as I laughed away. He seemed to live the most exciting life, although he would tell me otherwise. He promised to introduce me to two friends that he swore lived more exciting lives than he could ever dream of, being the son of a lord. It mattered not to me in any regard.

From the little time that I have spent with him, I was already coming to adore this man. Now that the Pop had finished, we were planning on an afternoon of tea. Mother would be there to chaperone, but I was fine with that as Arthur had a way with her. If he were to be a permanent part of my life, I believe that my mother's and my relationship without each other would improve.

As we were leaving, he stopped me at my carriage and kissed my hand. I told him that I looked forward to seeing him at tea. He smiled as he relinquished my hand. I bid him adieu and took my seat. It hurt to leave him, but I left it to the belief of being lonely without Mina.

I watched the scenery pass by forlornly. Everyone seemed to be doing something or making something of themselves while I sat here being a pretty porcelain doll on a shelf. I began to wonder if my life would have any significance at all. Would I have no legacy to leave behind, and my candle snuff out without having truly lit the world around me? This made me long for the days of my girlhood when I hadn't a care in the world.

I startled when my mother got my attention the moment that they arrived at home. I sighed as I left the carriage. I allowed the maids to guide me to my bedroom and didn't fight them as they undressed me and prepared me for bed. Gazing at my reflection while one of them brushed my hair, I wondered why I couldn't make something of myself like Mina. Who was stopping me? When I thought about it and was truthful, I found myself looking back at my reflection. As much as I would have loved to blame my mother, she didn't have control of the choices that I made like I did. Why was I stopping myself then? Was I scared? Was I careless of my own legacy? Was I just waiting for someone to rescue me like some damsel, instead of being a "New Woman"?

I was left in a muddle when the maids helped me get into bed. I stared up at the canopy of my bed, wondering how I was going to stop myself from being my own obstacle. I never got to answer that question as I fell asleep.

I found myself in a dark forest that was rich and green. I didn't recognize this forest, believing that it was in another part of the world that I have never been to, but that wasn't hard to do since I have never traveled very far. Looking around, I was amazed by how enchanting everything was. I decided to be brave and take my first step.

I startled when a deer came out of the forest to my side. I was in awe and held my hand for as she came closer and sniffed it. Having to suppress to my squeal of delight, I stole of few pets of her fur relishing in the moment. Her ears stood up when she glanced around us before dashing into the forest once more leaving me alone.

Nervously, I glanced around myself in fear of whatever may have scared her off. Moving my feet, I decided that it would be better to explore than wait for whatever it could have been. I could feel something watching me through the brush, but I refused to stay still. Daring to take a peek over my shoulder, I gasped at a pair of eyes glowing red with hellfire. I quickened my pace, knowing that the demon was hunting me.

I soon came out of the forest into another forest of macabre. My breath stole away as I looked up to the posts that had bodies impaled upon them. It was a horrid sight to behold and yet I couldn't find the strength to look away. Dried blood coated the posts and permeated the air along with the buzzing of flies. The ground had been stained red. Some of the bodies were skeletal and no longer recognizable while others still had their faces contorted in complete agony. I gasped as I tried to regain my breath before I screamed out in terror.

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