Chapter 25

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If I could only find a way to keep the pain out of reach it would help. Such fragile things can't be exposed to humanity like this. The truth is utterly bitter. For fragile things. That's why we all must shield her from the darkness. I kept her close playing with her hair. Before I fell asleep I took the light remote on her nightstand and turned her light off. I then fell asleep with her in my arms. The next day I woke up before Miley. So I got up to go make breakfast because one food two so I wouldn't scare her. I made the Traditional breakfast. Jungkook came into the kitchen and looked Jungshook.

"Why are you Jungshook? Is it because we aren't having American breakfast?" I asked because Miley is 25% American and 75% Korean she ate both origins.

"Yes this is the only time I will allow Jungshook" He spoke in an unperturbed

"Wow who knew the golden maknae could be unfazed" Jin responded in a mimicking tone

"Yah don't ruin it!" He said back in an angered tone

"Yah don't call me Yah call me Jin," I said in a motherly tone

"Fine Emomma!" Jungkook says and leaves the room. I finished making the food and set it out on the table. After that I had Jungkook go wake up everyone.

Jungkook's Pov

Jin had me go wake up everyone. I simply did the other 5 boys just walking in shaking them saying the food is ready. With Miley, on the other hand, I opened the door silently. Tiptoed to her bed very composed. I then got in front of her and looked at her in the face. She started to wake up. Soon she opened her eyes with me looking at her.

"Good morning Princess, Breakfast is ready," I said in a nonchalant tone

"Morning kookie, I will be done there in a second after I get changed." She said smiling at me in a collected way even when she woke up with me in her face.

"Wow you are never spirited unless you are drunk Miley" I whined

"Because I am a very nonchalant person at times when I am tired." She says

"Okay fine get dressed and be down in 10 minutes please..." I said back mimicking tone she nodded and I left.

Miley's Pov

After Jungkook left I got up and took a quick shower. Then changed into a white dress that touches the ground made of silk. I put on some white heels then headed downstairs. When I entered the dining room everyone looked at me with a flabbergasted look.

"Is something wrong with me?" I asked with an apprehensive tone

"No nothing is it's just you look very stunning in white," Yoongi said with a gummy smile

"Thanks. I am flattered" I said returning the smile. Then I sat down everyone started eating. I had to eat carefully since I am wearing white. After we all ate I went to spend the day with Jimin. He was taking me to someplace.

Jimin's Pov

I was taking Miley out for the day. We are going to the indoor garden. Which I visit there every year. It is always beautiful. The flowers are always fascinating. But Miley is more beautiful and to have her come with me just makes me happier. Miley and I left the house I took her hand. It was quite frankly cold. Luckily I always wear long sleeve. I took my hand away from hers took off my jacket and rested it on her shoulders and held her hand again. She looked at me confused. I just smiled at her we made it to the indoor garden. Which I paid the entrance fee. We walked in hand in hand. I have waited for this day forever. Miley looked around amazed. 

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