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I let the man drag me away from Randall until retaliation dawned that I was running from one danger and perhaps into another.
'STOP! LET ME GO!' I started hitting at him, throwing hysterical punches in all directions at him. 'HELP!'
The man didn't say anything but dragged me behind the closest tree and threw a dirty hand over my mouth. I screamed into it before biting it, he let go, but before I could scream again I saw at least half a dozen redcoats on horses ahead of us, and felt a hard clunk on my head before blacking out.

I heard men with thick Scottish voices talking, and felt the paved dirt of a floor. My head hurt like a bitch so I slowly lifted my head to meet with half a dozen Scottish men.
'Where am I? Who are you?' I say slowly getting to my knees to get up.
'Aye, the lassy is awake.' Says a short tubby man.
'Aye.' A tall man with a receding hairline answers. 'Who are you sassanach?'
It was obvious that this man was in charge here. 'Cybele Coddington, now who are you?' I decided to continue to use my maiden name.
Swaying slightly on my feet I took in my surroundings, five gruff looking men stood around me all dressed in kilts, one man sat on a chair clutching his arm which was clearing popped out at the shoulder.
The man had hair like fire, strong features, a couple of days worth of stubble and a pained expression on his face.
One of the sorter, chubbier men, with brown hair, a beard grabbed ahold of the mans dislocated arm and was about to pull.
'No!' Stop!' I yelled and stopped they did indeed. All the men looked at me with a look that pierced right through me. Stepping up I walked through the crowd of tough men cautiously immediately regretting ever speaking.
' If you pull it like that you will break his arm, you need to put it back into its socket properly. ' I explained but from the blank looks I got I realised it fell on to deaf ears. 'I'm a doctor.'
I grabbed the young mans arm gently, 'This will hurt.' He nodded at me and gritted his teeth. I moved the arm out to find the entrance to the joint and when I did I pulled.
'I'm going to strap your arm, you're to minimise the use of the arm for it to heal right.' Looking around at the other men I said 'I need some bandages?'
One of the men quickly got me a torn bit of grubby cloth which I quickly used to strap the mans arm to his chest.
'Are you able to ride with one arm, lad?' The tall man who was clearly in charge asked.
'Aye. ' he replied and stood up. The man stood a good head and a bit taller than me, he had broad shoulders which were clad with muscle and shinning red hair with sun streaks at the ends.
'He can not ride!' I exclaimed loudly although I was promptly ignored while the men walked outside to ready their mounts.
'Come on, you're coming with us' the leader grabbed me by the arm and hauled me outside. It was drizzling outside as the man steered me to the horse that the readhead was sitting upon before he picked me up and dropped me promptly in the front of the saddle.
I didn't say anything as we headed off from the hut and down the trail. 
I was shivering and soaking wet clad in only my dress, I had lost my cardigan somewhere along the way. The young man who's name I discovered was Jamie must have noticed also as he dragged his blanket to cover the both of us.
The men were talking in gailic, I assume because I was present so I zoned out as the horse trod along into the darkness.
Suddenly one of the men gave me a flask, which I took but gingerly sniffed its contents.
' Whiskey, to warm Ye up. Yer shaking so much yer going to fall off.' Jamie's thick Scottish accent said from behind me.
And so I took a swig and sure enough my belly burned from its potency.
I had been thinking of Bailey, he would have realised that I was missing by now and he must be worried sick. This lead to more pressing concerns as to where the hell I was, when was I? How can I get back? If I were to get back would I even be able to?
I didn't want to think too much about my whereabouts or how I came to be where I was.  I didn't believe in magic, or time travel.

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