The surprise ending I'm depending on

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Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders era)

Pairing: Reader x Young Sirius Black

Warnings: cute fluff

Request: Hey can you please do a Reader X Maruader (I dont mind which) where the reader is in the marauders but she secretly likes one of them but shes doesnt say anything because she thinks they only see her as a sister/best friend way and you can finish it! Thank you! Love your writing!

Word Count: 700

You had basically become an honorary Marauder, you were constantly with them all the time and helped them with all of their pranks and even the making of the Marauders map.

You had always been closest to Sirius but you never confessed to him how you felt. You were worried it would make things so awkward between you if he didn't like you back. You had thought he must like you, he always was sat with you in classes and you teamed up for pranks, he always sat beside you at meals and walked beside you to class and to Hogsmead. Sirius could easily have many girls in the school, he was so smooth he could swoon any girl in minutes but he never took it past simple flirting.

You wanted to ask him why he isn't with anybody, seeing how cute James and Lily are you would think he would want that with someone too.

You were deep in thought when you felt a handshake your shoulder

"Hey Y/N, you've been staring at your empty spoon for like five minutes." You looked at Sirius who was sat beside you in the dining hall. "Sorry I just zoned out." He just laughed. "Something on your mind?" You wanted to confess that you were thinking about him but you just shook your head and continued eating your soup.

Later that night you were all sitting in the common room, it was a calm Saturday night where there was too much snow to go outside so you sat in front of the fire.

James and Lily were entangled in each other's arms in a chair. Peter was telling Remus jokes while Remus was trying to read and you and Sirius were sat On the couch.

You were lying sideways while Sirius laid to the opposite of you, your legs intertwined and you rested your head on the back of the couch and just looked at him.

Sirius had his eyes closed for a while and you took the opportunity to admire his handsome features but he opened them just in time to catch you staring at him, "Y/N do you like what you see?" He wiggled his eyebrows and winked at you. You just laughed and shook your head. "You wish, Padfoot." And then Sirius said so quietly that you almost didn't hear it over Peters awful jokes. "I do."

You thought maybe you had heard him wrong but this gave you hope, hope that you didn't need to be in your heart because you were too scared to confess your feelings to him anyways.

It had gotten pretty late and you were surprised no one had sent you to your rooms yet. Remus had fallen asleep with his face in his book and managed to push Peter off the couch so he was asleep on the ground. James and Lily were still cuddling in their chair fast asleep, their cheeks pink from the heat from the still burning fire and you were still laying on the couch with Sirius in a comfortable silence.

You saw Sirius glance over to James and Lily and then he looked back to you "Come here." He motioned with his hand towards him and in your sleepy state you didn't question him and you just crawled to his side of the couch, you sat in front of him on your knees with your hands resting on your legs. He pulled you down to lay in his arms and your face was pressed to his chest with his arms wrapped lazily around you.

You felt as though your chest was going to burst from him cuddling you but you assumed he was just lonely or acting this way because he was tired. You laid in his arms while he played with your hair and you were about to drift to sleep when you heard Sirius mumble above you. "It's not any easier to try to say the things I want to say to you while you're asleep, but you're so beautiful." He kissed the top of your head and that's the last thing you remember before you drifted to sleep. "Goodnight Y/N."

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