The Better Brother

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Fandom: Harry Potter Marauders Era

Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader

Warnings: None

Request: Can you do a imagine where the reader is dating Remus or Sirius it doesn't matter, and some Slytherin boy flirt with her with a really hot sentence and Sirius or Remus gets very angry and he started punching the guy and the marauders stop the fighting and then the reader is crying saying she's scared of him bc he's still trying to punch the Slytherin boy omg please

Word Count: 1.4k

A/N: I wasn't sure how to write this request so I kind of did my own thing and made the Slytherin boy be Regulus so it can be brotherly rivalry between him and Sirius. but I hope you still like it.

I put some cute flustered Remus at the end enjoy lol.


Gryffindor won yet another Quidditch game, one of their best yet and if there was anything else Gryffindor was best at it was throwing after Quidditch parties and any other type of party really. There were endless amounts of fire whiskey and butterbeer, as much munchies as you could ever need and all the means to induce that.

You were sat on the couch beside Remus as James and Sirius were taking shot after shot for no reason other than to outdrink the other which never happened, they both always timed out simultaneously.

You laughed as they both basically poured the entire shot glass full of alcohol down the side of their faces soaking their shirts. You tried to hold back your laughter as they both gave up at the same time, just as you predicted.

Sirius made his way over to you, a drunken smile across his face, he was a happy drunk also a bit touchy but if someone pissed him off he was quick to get angry and the person who knew this best was his brother Regulus who watched him from across the room, a troublesome smirk on his face. There was nothing Regulus loved more than messing with his brother, it was never that bad of meddling just stuff to push his buttons and annoy him.

Sirius and Regulus never saw eye to eye and their mother split them apart further, recently they got into a heated argument, that Regulus lost so now he was looking for a way to get back at Sirius.

Sirius wrapped his arms around your waist nuzzling his nose into your neck, when he placed his mouth on your neck you expected him to leave a hickey but were surprised when he instead blew air instead of sucking, doing a 'raspberry' against your neck making you erupt into a fit of giggles. You placed your hands on his chest as to keep him, and his soaking wet shirt, from pressing against you. You didn't want him dragging you upstairs back to his room already, the party had just started. Realizing this you looked into the cup Sirius was holding to steal a sip but it was empty, you took the cup from his hand, to his protest.

"Hey, I'm drinkin that." He slurred trying to grab the cup back.

"Really?" You asked taking the cup and turning it upside down over his head, a small drop fell out but nothing else since it was empty.

"Aw look what you did." He frowned pointing to his soaking wet shirt.

"Look what I did? I think you're the one to blame for that mess. Maybe James a bit too." You laughed looking over to James who had his head laying in Lily's lap as she was talking to Remus.

"I am innocent; I'm like so good I could never be blamed for this mess."

"By mess do you mean your shirt or just yourself in general?"

"Ouch." He joked grasping at his heart. "For those mean words you have to get me a new drink."

"Fine." You said and pushed him gently until he was sat on the couch, his weight pushing against Remus.

"Hey, last time I checked Sirius wasn't my boyfriend to take care of." Remus didn't move him but glared at him slightly until Sirius hugged Remus making him blush a bit at his friend's drunk actions.

"Don't say that Moony, I love you like a boy and you're my friend, you can be my boyfriend if you want, Y/N won't mind."

You just laughed at their drunken interaction and made your way to the table filled with drinks, it wasn't busy right now, everyone busy somewhere else except for one person who was standing beside the table.

"Hi Regulus." You said politely, starting to pour your drink, although Sirius and him had rough patches you remained polite and civil with Regulus no matter what. He was Sirius' family and you didn't want to ever say something or do something now that would affect your relationship with him in the future since he could someday be your brother in law, and you were sure him and Sirius would be a lot closer as they got older.

"Well, hello Y/N, babysitting my drunk brother I see?" He asked, sly smirk on his face as he moved closer to you reaching across your arms to grab a drink.

"Actually Remus is taking care of that right now, I'm trying to catch up."

"He's a bit of a sloppy drunk isn't he?" He asked wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you flush to him as he spoke, you could tell he had had a few drinks because he usually wasn't so bold.

"He won't be sloppy when he sees the way you have your hands on me Regulus." You said trying to break his hold but he held on strong.

"Oh, I saw him down those shots with Potter, he is far gone now don't waste your time with him tonight." He winked as he sipped on his drink.

"Yeah? And who should I spend my night with then Regulus, you?" You spoke in a deadpanned tone, not a hint of flirting in your voice at all.

"Well I am the better brother in many ways."

"Hm, we'll see." You said with a wide smile as you watched Sirius quickly make his way over to you, unknown to Regulus. He pushed his way through the group of people, he might have been a sloppy drunk but there was nothing that could stop him when he was angry, not even 12 shots of fire whiskey in a row.

In one swift move he grabbed Regulus and pulled him away from you by his white button up, the he grabbed him by his green Slytherin tie and pulled his face close to his.

"Don't touch my fucking girlfriend." He didn't yell but spat into Regulus' face and punched him making Regulus land on the ground. Remus was quick to grab Sirius and stop him from doing anything further, something he might regret. Remus Dragged Sirius back towards the couch as a few Slytherin's gathered to take Regulus away. Sirius grabbed your hand and tried to pull you with him but you stood above Regulus and crossed your arms.

"He might not be the 'perfect' son like you, or a straight A student but he is better in all the ways that count." You smirked as he frowned grabbing his bloody face. "Might wanna put some ice on that, wicked punch on that boy, but you should know that by now." You finished as you let in to Sirius' pull following him to the couch and letting him pull you onto his lap.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his forehead a wide smile was on his face.

"That will teach the fucker."

"I don't think he will ever learn to be honest Sirius, but your always there to put him back in line." You said smiling and taking a hold of his barely damaged hand, wiping off Regulus' blood and placing a kiss on each knuckle.

"I'm always there to protect my girlfriend." Sirius said smiling.

"And my boyfriend too!" He said looking to Remus.

"Sirius we are not dating." Remus said, slightly flustered by his friend's drunken forwardness.

"Why not?" Sirius pouted.

"Because you're dating Y/N!" Remus said pushing Sirius' hand away from him.

"Why can't I have both!" He almost shouted and turned to you.

"Don't look at me, I'm not the one who's 'not the sharing type' that's Remus." You said looking to Remus who was even more flustered now.

"What me? No I am. I mean I could. Potentially I mean...hypothetically I could." He mumbled slightly drunk himself.

You just smirked at how flustered he was over your small comment, you stood up and went to go dance with Lily, winking at the two boys as you walked away, they sat there awkwardly not sure what to say to each other.

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