Running Home

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Ryan snuck out of the house to go to her favorite flower shop, she had a couple of friends there. "Ryan? Jesus girl I haven't seen you in months I was beginning to worry" a woman cried out engulfing Ryan in a bear-hug. "Zoey calm down you know she doesn't like to be crowded," "thanks, Evan. I'm fine Zo, I've just been caught up in school" she said quickly turning her head to avoid eye-contact. Evan walked up and grabbed Ryan's chin and tilted her head to where she was facing him. 

"What did I say last time he hit you?" Ryan groaned as he spoke, and Zoey's heart sank. "He's been getting worse, hasn't he?" Zoey asked, and Ryan stood quietly. "Damn it, you're going to my place from now on" Evan growled, and Ryan gave him a small smile. "That's actually what I came here to ask. I was wondering if I could move in with you, and work here at the flower shop to make up for rent" Ryan smiled softly. "I would love to have you Ryan" Zoey hugged the high schooler, and Ryan's attention was now on Evan. "Ryan, I thought you knew me better than this." he shook his head and smiled, "of course you can stay with us kid." Evan hugged the girls. 

"So, when can you move in?" Evan asked, and Zoey punched his arm "wow, you're more eager to have her over than I am right now." "Once I figure out when my father will be gone then I'll need help to pack and move stuff." Zoey thought for a moment, "Evan we still have the spare bedroom upstairs, right?" Zoey winked, and Evan smirked. "I think a desk and bed in there. Then a dresser in the closet" Evan smirked, and Ryan was on the same page. "So, I'll just bring my stuff and not have to worry about a bed then!"Ryan left the couple once they had figured out a schedule with them. She climbed through her window to avoid conflict with her drunken father. 

She quickly started to pack her things in every bag she could possibly find. There was a knock on her window, she shoved the bag under her bed hiding it. "Hello?" she whispered not wanting to be too loud to draw attention. "Hello?" she repeated and then a figure showed, "Ah" she looked out to see someone running down the street. She closed her curtains and shrugged it off then continued packing.

She woke up surrounded by bags. Opening the door, she quickly went to the bathroom and picked up her curling iron, shoving it into her bookbag. "You ready for school, Ryan?" the old man had blocked her path out of the small space. "Don't come near me" Ryan growled, and the man was growing furious at the girl. "What did you say?" he asked, and Ryan grabbed her straightener slamming it on the side of his head, then shoved it into her bag "I'm leaving you, you filthy pig." She barked and jumped over him and into her room. 

She grabbed as many bags as she could and threw them out the window. Hopping out of the window she could hear her father stumbling into her room. The girl ran with all the bags as far as she could before she stumbled onto the ground.

Word Count; 564

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