Jughead cant cook

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"Keep up grandma" my dad repeated while
"Is your name actually grandma?" Juliet asked
"No, it's Alice but you call me grandma" Alice said as she handed the baby to Betty so she could put her down for a nap
"It's almost Christmas,
What are you wanting jules?" My dad asked
"A serpent jacket and......a brother" Juliet said not even having to think
"I'm not sure on the jacket but definitely a no for the brother part" I said, is she actually serious, a brother, she literally has a week old sister
"Don't wish for anymore siblings, I'm to young to have 4 grandkids already" Alice said with her head in her hands
"What about siblings?" Betty walking in clueless
"I want a brother" Juliet said with hope in her eyes
"Ugh god no, I can't go through that again"Betty said sitting down
"Okay, where's baby sister?" Juliet asked looking around
"She is sleeping and I am hoping to at least make supper before she wakes up" Betty said away to fall asleep
"Oh look at the time, we better go Alice" my dad said
"Okay, bye everyone" Alice says and walks out the room
"No no no, don't go papa FP, I  want you to take me to the bar with you" Juliet hangs on to my dads legs
"Sorry kid but you gotta stay here, we don't want you to get taken again" he says as he manages to get away and out the door
"Well then,come on juls let's go make some supper" Betty said clearly tired
"Oh no you don't, you girls are watching a movie and I will make us food" I say and walk out
I'm so lucky to have my juggie, he is perfect, kind, smart,handsome. *beep beep beep* *Brooklyn cries* the smoke alarm is going off and is woke up the baby
"Are you kidding me" I say to Jug and roll my eyes
I go upstairs and try and calm her down
"Hey it's okay, mommy's here, it's just your dad trying to cook, you gotta get used to this" I carefully rock Brooklyn until she falls asleep on my shoulder then I have a shower.
I'm trying to get the twins to drink out of a bottle but they are both refusing and screaming , I need help so I call B
Betty-"Hey V I'm kind in the middle of supper right now what's up?"
Veronica-"B I need you, the twins won't drink out of the bottle. I'm tired,stressed and my ears are ringing, please help"
Betty-" Aww V don't get yourself in a state, we will be over when we are done"
Veronica-" Okay Thanks B"

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