Day in th car

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Cheryl pov
It's time for us all to go back to our normal lives, the kids have missed like a week of school. I get ready and pack all my stuff, I go downstairs and it seems like someone is awake
"Betty?" I'm surprised she's up this early
"Oh hey" she replies she looks shattered
"You don't look well, what's up" I say rubbing her back as her head is in her hands
"I haven't gotten sleep because this baby inside of me won't stop kicking, I feel to sick to eat, and I'm thirsty but I want a caramel frap with coffee from Starbucks but I can't drink coffee" Betty tells me
"Awwww Betty, I'm so sorry you feel this way,how far along are you?" I say putting bread in the toaster
"4 months, this is the ultrasound picture we got about a week before we came here" she showed me the picture
"Wait 4 months? Your meant to start showing at that stage with your 1st child, this is your 3rd and I read that you should show sooner if you've had kids before" I'm worried now
"Cher calm down, the doctor told us that the baby is really small but guess what? I popped this morning" Betty says then stands up to reveal her tiny but noticeable bump (^^ picture at top)
"Oh my god, that happened overnight?" I asked
"Yep? I took about a 2 hour nap and it happened during then" she says smiling
"5 more months until he/she's here" I squeal
"Can't wait, this baby is by far the worst one" she sighs
"Maybe blossom genes will be passed on?" I smile
"Don't curse me! 4 kids would be horrific" Betty says
"Sorry" I laugh
The toaster pops and I butter my toast
"I really wish I could eat but I can't, it just comes back up again" Betty sighs
"What about trying to drink a Pops milkshake?" I ask calling pops because I knew she would say no but I'm ordering her one anyway
"Hey girl hey!" Kevin sits down at the table
"Please keep you voice down" Betty says
"Have kids gotten to your brain? I think you say that to much because you know that isn't possible for me" Kevin exclaims
"Kevin, she can't eat, she haven't had any sleep and she's feeling really shitty right now" I say sympathetically
"Ohhh" he says looking sorry "What about is the boys take the kids out but obviously not me because I would rather stay here with the girls and binge on chick flicks" he adds
"That sounds lush, no kids, my fave people and movies" Betty says happily
"There's that smile we all know and love, pops is getting delivered in 30 mins I ordered all of us milkshakes" I say

Everyone is now up and is ready to go
"Okay Archie are you sure you can handle the boys?" Veronica says
"Yep I have jughead,Sweetpea and Fang's to help me" he says when they are leaving the door
"Yea But jughead has two kids to look after" she replies
"Veronica stop worrying We have assorted the kids a parent or uncle each ! Jug with Juliet , fangs with  Cody, Archie with Ethan and I'm with  brooke, they will be fine" sweet pea basically shouts as the kids are getting in the limo
"What about Sophia ?" Veronica asks arms folded
"She's with Juliet they aren't much work" Cheryl says
"Okay, be careful i don't want anyone in hospital on out last day here and be back by 5 because that when we are leaving" Toni says
"What!what about supper?" Juliet pops her head out the car door and we all giggle
"We will get food on the road" I say
And they drive off
Betty is asleep on the couch, we are watching mean girl while drinking cocktails
"Wait did Betty have a cocktail like the other day?" Toni asks
"I don't know, I hope she didn't" Cheryl says
"She took one so we wouldn't be suspicious but she never drank any, she told me" Kevin says
"What do you think it is boy or girl?" Toni asks
"It's gotta be a boy" she adds
"I have a feeling it's a boy and jughead wants a boy" Kevin says
"I'm team boy" Veronica says
"I don't know what genders but u think it's twins" I say
"Really? Ooft mama B will need help" Kevin says
"Mama B already sent needs help with the little terror she has right now" we hear Betty say as she's half asleep
"True but she's cute" Toni says
"Don't let it fool you" Veronica says
"I had to spent the night with her once because Betty and jug had to take Juliet to the hospital because she hurt her foot and she can scream until she suffocates, she can kick until your simply dead and she can hide like she's fucking invisible" She adds exaggerating
"Exactly, and everyone asks why I'm so stressed all the time and poor Juliet who has to live with her Aswell" Betty laughs
"Sophia isn't much trouble, are the boys hard work since there's two?" Toni asks
"Nah they do what their told, they love to tell jokes tho" Veronica says
"I feel left out I don't have kids" Kevin says pouting
"Are you and fangs thinking about adoption?" Betty asks
"The conversation hasn't came up yet but I want to" he says
"What ages and what genders, we need to know all the details" Veronica gets excited
"Well I want a teenager kinda but I also want a baby I just can't decide I don't want to get them both because that's to much of an age difference" he says
"Why don't get a kid the same age as Juliet and Sophia? They are the perfect age" Cheryl says

Fangs Pov
"Brooklyn But your seatbelt back on!Don't make me start counting" jughead warns Brooklyn as she continues to unbuckle herself in her car seat
"I only listen to mommy" she teases
"Well she's not here so you listen to us" he says sternly
"I got partnered with uncle pea so you can't tell me what to do" she says standing up
Sweetpea grabs her and straps her back in
"Never take off your seatbelt in a moving car EVER, do you understand me?" He says, she jus stares him down
"Do you understand?" He repeats
"I understand" she says getting angry
"Now that was really bad so when we get to the beach, you will get 10 mins time out" he says and sits back down she i gets really angry
"Thanks sweets" jughead high fives him
"Daddy Brooklyn's bleeding" Juliet says scared
All our heads turn to Brooklyn and she's got her hands in a fist blood pouring from them
"Baby please open your hands" jughead says as we all stand up and go over
"We won't put you on time out, just open them please" I say
she opens them and immediately starts crying
"Good thing Ronni is super protective and made me bring a medical box" Archie says
Brooklyn is sitting on jugs lap as I'm fixing her cuts
"I'm scared" Ethan whispers but we can hear it
"It's okay, don't worry it's over now, Brooklyn's fine, just think about how much fun it's gonna be at the beach" we heard Juliet say to him and hold his hand
"She's amazing with kids" Sweetpea says
"I know, Ethan has always had a special connection with Juliet " Archie says
"Right so I wasn't really listening to your mothers talking about what not to do soooo WHO WANTS CANDY!" Sweet pea shit
"MEEEEEEE" all the kids tell so loud
"Okay, each kid get a bottle of Coca Cola and a bag of sour gummy sweets" sweet pea says and they all cheer but me,Jug and Archie give each other the look that says "this isn't gonna end well"

We got to the beach and all three little ones sugar crashed
"Aww I though they would stay awake to actually be crazy on the beach" sweet pea says
"Maybe we could just go to Starbucks and the beach another day" Sophia finally speaks
"Sure I'm up for that I need coffee, Smithers please take us to Starbucks" Archie says
"We just drove 1 hour to the beach and we didn't even go to the beach" Juliet says
"Wait so we left the cabin at 1 o'clock took us an hour to get there which is 2 o'clock a half hour drive to Starbucks 2 thirty then one and a half hour drive back to the cabin 4 o'clock and that leaves us time to have supper and pack and ready to go by 5 o'clock which is time we leave" jughead says
"Wow that was smart" Ethan says
We all laugh
We get Starbucks and head back to the cabin
"How much longer!" Cody says
"Like 10 minutes" i say
"I need to pee" Brooklyn says
"Can't you hold it?" Jughead asks
"No" she shakes her head
"Well your gonna have to" he replies
"Owwww Ethan bite me" Cody wines
"Ethan do not hurt your brother" Archie scolds
"Brooklyn's staring at me!" Juliet complains
"Brooklyn stop looking at your sister" jughead sighs
"I feel cat sick" Sophia says
"Heres a sick bag" sweet pea hands her a bag
"Literally every single kid just complained at the same time, I can't wait until school starts again" Archie says
"At school they are the teachers problem not ours" jughead says
"In reality the parents  complain more that the kids" sweet pea says
"True that" I agree
"Okay then you try and have a little you running round 24/7" Archie says
"It would be awesome I would call him 'pea junior' he would be a serpent, a high school bad boy, all the girls would be after him" sweets says
"I'm your dreams" Juliet says
"Watch your mouth kiddo" he points his finger at her
She rolls her eyes at her and everyone stays silent
"We're here!" Sophia shouts
"Auntie B!" Cody shouts pointing at Betty and the girls outside around a table
"Be careful she got baby on tummy" Brooklyn says and we all get out the car
"Right we didn't even get out the car once, we were getting held hostage!" Juliet shouts
"Why didn't you guys go to the beach?" Veronica asked
"Sweet pea gave us candy and soda so all the little ones sugar crashed so we went to Starbucks instead
"Me and Juliet got coffee in ours but the little ones never because they are already crazy from the candy" Sophia says looking at Brooklyn and the twins running in circles laughing
time skip•
Betty Pov
"Can't wait to watch movies and chill with my three favourite girls" jughead says as he turns on the movie and we are all snuggled on the couch

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