Getting back on track also some kids got abandoned

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Betty Pov
The babies are fine and I talked to the doctor about Brooklyn not eating but she wasn't in the room and they gave me these tablets that are meant to make her hungry. I arrived home and see my moms and jugs dads car outside, I take the twins carriers out the car and Brooklyn opens the front door for me
"Woahh I can actually see the floor now" Brooklyn says
"It's so clean.... mom?" I say putting the twins carriers on the kitchen table
"Hey babe,  your home" I hear Jug say behind me
" did you do this?" I ask astonished
"Your mom,my dad and Juliet did, my dad knows we have been struggling so they cleaned the house and did the laundry while I took a shower and a nap" he says I pull him into a passionate kiss
"I'm glad you finally decided it's time to ask for help" I say
"Boi what did I tell you, I knew she would be up for help" jugs dad says coming in the kitchen followed by my mom
"Juliet is showing where she put al Brooklyn's stuff because she cleaned her room for her" my mom says
"You even started to make supper?" I say
"Yep hope you don't mind but you guys are having pasta tonight" my mom giggles
"Now, can I hold one of my grandchildren?" Jugs dad says
"Me! Hold me" Brooklyn says running into his arms
"I was meaning one of the babies but okay, and we need a serious talk young lady" he says pointing a finger at her
"Im doing something bad?"she asks pouting
"It's not about what your doing it's about what your not doing" he says and takes her to the living room
"Okay so, fp is trying to get Brooklyn to eat even tho I got medication  which should make her hungry, house is clean, suppers almost ready all there is to do it feed the babyies, kids home ave showers and me to then Riley's medicine then go to sleep,hopefully, because there's school tomorrow" I say
"Okay, so since you guys need to get back on track sorta, why don't I take the babies for the night?" My mom suggests
I look down at the babies in the carriers
"Okay but.." I say but get interrupted
"Yea I know, Riley's medication at 8PM and 8AM, the diaper bag is in the nursery, they get fed every time they wake up" she says
"But what about Riley needing breast milk" jug says
"I pumped some earlier their in the fridge, there's bottles with the right amount of formula in the diaper bag just add water and microwave it" I say
"You were literally born to be a mom, Alice you wanting help tonight?" Fp comes through
"Oh Yea and Brooklyn says she will eat 10 prices of pasta if it will make you guys happy"  fp says
"Okay we better get going" my mom says
"You made the food your gonna sit and eat with us" Juliet says
"Yep she's right" jughead says and we all sit down to eat
"I will go put the babies in their crib because I'm going upstairs to get Brooklyn anyway
"Brooklyn supper time" I go into her room to see her hiding under her covers
"Baby what's up" I say pulling b the covers off
"I don't want to eat" she says
"Why not foods good" I say rubbing her tummy
"Because if I get fat no one will love me because you skinny, Juliet skinny, aunties skinny, grandmas skinny, babies skinny and if I eat I won't be" she bursts into tears
"Hey, it doesn't matter if your fat, skinny, small,tall or whatever I will never not like someone because of their appearance, I will always love you, okay I don't care if you eat all the food and become as fat as the house I will always love you" I say and we giggle at the last part
We go downstairs and see everybody laughing around the table
"come on Brooke, your plates beside mine" Juliet Patts the chair next to hers, Brooklyn goes and sits down and they start talking with each other about sister stuff I guess
"I love it when they get along" my mom says
"Same I don't think I can handle them fighting right now" I say
"Can me and Brooke stay are grandmas or grandpas tonight" Juliet asks
"Not tonight, the babies are already staying there and it's a school night" jughead says
"It's okay,why don't we take all 4 of the girls to our house" my mom said
"Wait.. our?" I ask
"Yes, I decided to move back in our old house with Fp instead of us both being lonely and it means the kids can have their own rooms" my mom says I still can believe they live together
"Juniper,Juliet and Brooklyn In one room, the twins in the other, and Dagwood gets his own room, Alice has her own room and so do I" fp says
"Wait you managed to do all this? Where did you get the money?" Jughead asks fascinated
"All the rooms have been decorated, I will show you pictures" my mom says then shows us the pictures

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