Shes pregnant while she was drinking

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Betty pov
I woke up with a badddddd headache, I groaned and turned round so I can cuddle jug but he wasn't there. I lay in bed for a while and finally get up and go downstairs and see all the boys and kids watching a movie
"Hey how you feeling" fp  asks smiling, I just groan and lye face down on the rug
"I told you not to get drunk" Juliet says
I groan more
"It's 7AM, knowing you, your never up this early, none of the girls are up yet anyway" fangs says
"I was cold" I say dryly
"Well here its 13° and in riverdale it's 8° so good luck when we go home" sweet pea laughs
"No no no no, I'm not going back there" I say and everyone laughs
"Why you still on floor" Brooklyn asks
"Because I'm to tired to move" I mumble
"Come on,get up" kevin says kicking me
"Owww and not until someone makes me coffee" I say
"You are not getting coffee, you will have some water and Advil" jughead says them leaves, I quickly hurry into his seat
"So that's why you wanted someone to get you a drink, so you could steal their seat, good thinking Cooper" sweets says to me
"I have 4 daughters,I have some tricks up my sleeve" I say
"She does, she's good at tricking us into chores, well she tricks Brooklyn into putting her mess away but I don't need her tricks I do it anyway" Juliet says
"We do jobs" Cody says looking at Ethan
"Yes, we put clothes in basket" Ethan replies
"Yep,our house is always clean" Archie says smiling at me
"Hey! Our house is clean too, you and Veronica just have bad timing" I say
"Mmmhhhh that's definitely the case" Juliet says smirking
"I have no idea what your taking about, when your at school I do clean the house, I'm alone with twins for most of the day, what more do you expect from me" I laugh
"Here you go a nice glass of water, I had to look in like 5 different medical boxes for Advil" jughead says
"Thanks babe" I replied kissing him
"Wait....... your sitting in my chair!" He finally realises
"And you ain't getting it back" I giggle
He sits on the floor and plays with lily and Riley
"Can't wait until they are older and start to walk" Kevin says
"Nuh uhh I cant definitely wait, I don't want them both walking" I say
"Both? As in one of them already can?"  fp asks
"Yea? Didn't you know, lily can kinda walk" I say and jug stands her up
"Come on lily come to mommy" I say and she takes like 1 and a half steps before she falls
"Good try baby" jughead says tickling her
"Awww cuteness overload" Kevin squeals
"Hey we are all cute, especially this boy on tik tok " Juliet says basically drooling over this Payton boy
"Ooo I love tik tok, lets make a dance one" Kevin says
"Let's make a tik tok account that we all can use hmmmmm called 'the riverdale fam' we might get famous" Juliet gets all excited
"That is a great idea,but maybe I will be in one another day preferably when I don't have a hang over" I say curling up
"I will come and snuggle you mom, you feeling yucky, I make it better" Brooklyn says coming over and cuddling me
"Thank you baby" I say and start to drift off the sleep ur as I was away to sleep all the rest of the girls came through the front door
"Where were you guys? Weren't you in bed" Archie asks
"No we woke up, had water and medecine, had showers and went out for breakfast, we were gonna take Betty with us but she was sound asleep and we didn't want to wake her" Veronica says
"You guys did all that before 8AM? I thought we were on vacation" Sophia says
"Yes that is a whole load of effort, I only do that on week days" I say chuckling
"That's if the babies don't wake up" jughead says
"That ain't my job so that doesn't effect me" I reply
"Why are you guys still cute after 10 years" Kevin squeals
"10 years! That sound like a long time but sometimes I forget I'm 9" Juliet laughs
"You are all around 25-26 years old so that means that you and Juliet when you were 17!"Sophia says
"Yea, I was an accident" Juliet says everyone laughs
"To be honest, every single one of yall were accidents, but good accidents" sweetpea says
"That's one way to put it, except from Sophia because we never adopted her by mistake"Cheryl says
"Obviously" Sophia rolls her eyes
"Be quiet! I'm watching movie"cody shouts
"Cody, we do not shout in the house" Veronica says
"I have a splitting headache, I think I'm going up to bed, V I need to talk to you again" I groan then me and Veronica go upstairs
"V did you get it?" I ask
"Yea I did, but are you sure?" She says to me
"V I think you are pregnant, I'm sorry I never told you until after you drank but I think you are" I tell her
"Fine, I will go take one" Veronica says then sighs, she does into the bathroom and comes back
"I'm waiting for the timer, what if I am, I was drunk yesterday what if it effects the baby" she sobs
"It's fine V, if you are pregnant, I don't think it will effect it this early on" I say trying to comfort her *beep* goes the test
"Okay 1...2...3" Veronica whispers then covers her mouth and cries more
"Awww I'm so happy, are you happy?" I say hugging her
"......... I'm happy, but scared" she giggles
"So you are Archie have been spicing it up a bit lately haven't you" I tease and laugh
"Oi it's not like you and jug haven't" she teases and I gasp in unison and we fall into fits of laughter
Suddenly we hear a little knock at the door followed but some gurgling
I look at Veronica confused then I slowly open the door to my baby girl sitting there
"Oh what a nice surprise, how do you guys get up here?" I say picking them up and taking them to the bed
"You two cheeky monkeys got up here yourselves, I can't wait to have one if my own in my arms" Veronica says followed by some shouting
"MOMMY!! DADDY LOST THE BABIES!" Juliet shouts and I just laugh
"It's okay they are up here!" I shout back
"Did you guys crawl up here without anyone seeing you" I say tickling them
"Lets go back down stairs, we gotta make the most out of today because I'm not sure how long riverdale can last without us, we gotta solve all the crimes there" Veronica says and I agree
We go downstairs to see everyone looking around the house looking scared
"Aww thank god you found them.... where were they" Toni says pot of breath
"What do you mean? They crawled upstairs themselves and came to join us" I say
"Nooo they can climb stairs! My life is over" Brooklyn says dramatically and falls to the floor
"Honey I had to deal with you and now then, I think I need help mate" Juliet says
"I have Ethan" Cody rolls his eyes
" they all sound so ungrateful for their siblings, I would of loved a sibling" Archie laughs
"Not 3 sisters" Juliet says with wide eyes
"Hey stop it, you love your sisters.... I think" jug says
"And Cody you wouldn't be here without your brother so zip it" Veronica scolds
"Ooft sister snapped....... TEAAAAA" Kevin Shouts and we all laugh

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