2.♡ facetime

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You haven't seen Tom in weeks since he was too busy filming the new Spider-Man movie. You missed him a little more every day and it was the same for him, but he always tried to send you a message every time he had a free moment and FaceTime you every night before going to sleep. It was your little ritual.

It was 9pm and you were waiting for his call. You tried to distract yourself because otherwise seconds seemed to last for hours. You were doing the dishes when you heard your phone ring in the next room. You quickly turned off the robinnet before going to answer.

"Hey babe," A big smile illuminated his face as soon as he saw you.

He was wearing a black T-shirt with his favorite necklace. His hair was messy and he looked a little tired, but he still looked perfect.

You returned him the smile. "Hi baby, you look tired." You went to the bedroom that you both shared.

"I am." He rubbed his face with his hand.

"You should try to get some sleep then." You said softly while you lie on the bed.

"No no no no I want to talk to you, I miss you too much."

"Stop being so cute, youre making me blush!" You felt your cheeks getting hot.

He chuckled. "You're so pretty, do you know that?"

"Oh my god yes we get it you're in love Romeo!" You recognized Haz's voice.

"What, you're jealous bro?" You heard Jacob talking in the back.

"Yes, yes they are horribly cute," You laugh and saw Tom burst out of laughing. He got up from the couch where he was sitting and moved the phone to show you Haz that were sitting on another couch.

"Harrison," He moved the phone again to show you Jacob who was standing near a window. "Jacob, says hi to my girl!"

They stood behind Tom and waved at you, you did the same.

"I hope you take care of my man."

"We're done, he talks about you all the time. Come and get your man!" You couldn't help but laugh.

"How dare you!" He looked at Haz.

"I'm here to say that this is entirely true, we're fed up." Jacob added.

Tom looked at his best friends pretending to be offended, you couldn't help but let another laugh escape from your lips.

"Ok, I'm literally offended. If someone is looking for me, I will be in my room talking to my girlfriend because I have one at least." They threw pillows at him and he laughed before closing the door.

"You're so petty!"

"Maybe I am but you love me anyway,"

"Yes, thats true,"

"So how was your day, babe?" He jumped in his bed.

"It was annoying, I miss you," you sighed "and yours?"

He took off his t-shirt. "I miss you too princess," he smiled at you. "and it was very tiring, but it was awesome" He looked so excited and you couldn't stop smiling.

He stood up and put on a sweatpant before laying down again.

After several minutes of conversations about his day and other things you both started struggling to stay awake but neither of you wanted to hang up first.

"I will stay awake until you fall asleep." He rubbed his eyes.

"No, I'll stay awake until YOU are asleep, you're more tired than me and you have a lot of things to do tomorrow, you have to rest!"

"Babe, you- wait are wearing my sweatshirt?"

You blushed. "Maybe?" He smiled.

"You're so cute, I want to give your cheeks thousands of kisses."

"Stop trying to make me blush Holland!"

"Sorry, but you don't need to be embarassed because you're adorable." He put his head on his pillow trying to keep his eyes open.

"Aw look at you, my baby boy!" You took a screenshot.

"What?" he laughed.

"You're desperately trying to stay awake so you can talk to me, aren't you?"

"Darling, I don't care if I don't sleep tonight as long as I can talk to you I'd be happy," He yawned and you could hear in his voice that he was tired.

"I lo.. love you princess,"

You smiled. "I love you too baby," he fell asleep a big smile on his face and you couldn't help but think about how adorable he was.

You went on Instagram to post the screenshot that you had taken with the caption "When your boyfriend is half asleep but tries to stay awake so he can talk to you but still ends up falling asleep." You fell asleep a few minutes after with a big smile on your face too.

𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now