~ Deep end ~

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"Like light in my veins, darkness is sinking, darkness is sinking me, commanding my soul. I am under the surface where the blackness burns underneath."



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"Code name."




"Alright, it's clear we're not going to get anything out of her take her back to her cell" hands gripped my bicep, my hands still in their metal shackles and was dragged back to my cell being forgotten about until the next day.


"Sorry I'm late" I called slightly out of breath as I collapsed down on the picnic blanket "traffic was a nightmare."

"Are you sure it was the traffic or were you with Josh?" my sister said in a sing-song voice, looking at me like butter wouldn't melt.

"Shut up," I said pushing her slightly.

"Ew who's josh," my brother asked.

"No one" I replied blushing slightly.

"Alright you lot eat that's why food is here' our mom said laughing at the three of us "but seriously how is josh."

"Mom" I moaned.

"Alright I'm done I'm done."

Then the ordinary turned ten men dressed in black surrounded us guns locked "now" one of the guys said, my mom, brother and sister were all shit in front of me blood covering every inch of their body.

"No" I screamed, hands gripped my arms pulling me away from my family "let me go, let me go" I screamed.

I woke up gasping for breath, another nightmare. I checked the time eight am - not too bad for me but then again I didn't go to sleep until four. I went into the bathroom splashing water on my face waking me up slightly, the dream not disappearing from my thoughts. I pulled a jumper on and leggings and made my way through the compound and into the kitchen, some Avengers already there.

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