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Elyse' s POV

I woke up to someone shaking me gently whispering,

"Get up." I opened my eyes realizing I was laying in Ski's lap, I sat right up and tried not to panic remembering all that just happened.

"Calm down" he said grabbing my hand. He stood up and helped me up as well.

We got out the van at some big ass house. X walked up the driveway to the front door and opened it. I felt a hand intwine its fingers in mine. I looked down at our hands and then at him. He had a sympathetic smile on his face as we reached the door.

Once we got in Ski walked me up the stairs to a room that had a lock on it. I was worried they were gonna lock me in here or something. But I stood there and let go of his hand and crossed my arms. Once he unlocked it he gestured for me to open the door. I hesitated but opened the door.

There was a bedroom that was painted baby blue...my favorite. I walked in and to the dresser looking in the drawers which were filled with beautiful outfits. But the thing that was really freaking me out was there were all my favorite outfits and underwear and diaries with the locks missing. I turned around seeing Ski right behind me and X at the doorway.

"You like it?" Ski asked.

"U-uh yeah, I like it. Th-thank you. " I said looking everywhere but his eyes. His smile faded quickly to a disappointed face.

"I'm sorry for kidnapping you." He said. "You'll be able to leave in a year or 2."

Tf does he mean a year or 2?
I gotta graduate...
I got shit to do...
My mom...
What is she gonna do...

He looked at me and smiled walking away past X. X just stood there looking at me. I felt uncomfortable so I just started to walk towards the window. I noticed there were bars on the window. Damn... I looked out and saw a pool outside and a couple dogs. I walked over to the closet and looked through there. I need to get the fuck up out of here. These motherfuckers been planned to kidnap my ass.

I turned around to see X wasn't at the now closed door anymore I walked over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. I knocked on it and waited a good two minutes and heard footsteps come closer so I backed up from the door a bit. I heard the steps stop at the door. I knocked once. I received a knock on the other side. I knock twice and received two knocks back. I stood there wondering if I should just stand there or knock again...but it's hot and I have to pee.

"I have to use the bathroom." The door was unlocked and opened slightly revealing X's head peaking in.

"Huh." He said.
"¿Puedo ir al bano, X ?" He furrowed his brows in confusion and came in.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I said. He got up and went to my closet grabbing something out of the top shelf. He got a box and brought it over to the bed and sat on it. He looked at me as if he were waiting for me to come so I did. I walked over to the bed and I was about to sit down until he pushed my back up for me to stay stamding. I looked at him and he grabs my arms and guides me to stand  between his legs. Honestly I was confused but I just stood there as he opened the box. It was a...leash?

"Um...why you got that?" I said with a drop of sass.

"You can't leave this room without it." He said in a expression-less voice.

"No, I'm not wearing that shit, tf I look li-" Before I  could finish my lil rant he grabbed my arm and wrapped his hand around my neck pulling me closer to him.

"I'm not gonna argue with you,okay?" "Rule#1: Do what daddy says. " he said smirking but at the same time seriously. I looked at him like "what nigga"and his hand tightened around my throat making it hard for me to breathe.

"Okay" I said. He put this leash on me and got up. He started guiding me out the door and down the hall to the bathroom. He opened the door for me. He stood there with his back turned away from me.

Damn, I can't even use the bathroom alone...

I peed and washed and everything and walked out. He simply looked at me and then yanked my chain so I would come closer to him.
He got up in my face and said,

"You're ours now, we know nobody's coming to find you so your property of VR now." Then we walked down the hall passing 7 different bedrooms before reaching one that we walked into.

I think it's his room cuz he's going
right in and plus as soon we walked in this girl got up with a smile ear to ear and jumped on X.

"X baby, come on gimme some of that dagger daddy." Then she looked over at me and hopped off him and said,

"Who tf is this whore." I scoffed and chuckled considering this bitch calling me a whore half naked begging for dick.

"The fuck so funny", she said getting in my face.

"Yo silly ass, now back the fuck up cuz your breath reaks of dick." She had a hurt look on her face then tried to pushed me into the wall behind me. I have am a patient person so it takes alot to piss me off and I reach my peak there's no coming back till your ass is dead or I can't reach you. Before she could do or say anything else, X pulled her back by her ponytail and drug her ass out into the hall closing the door behind them.

I walked over to the door peeping the commotion. 

"X why you always cheating on me?"

"x WhY yOu AlWaYs ChEaTiNg On Me? Bitch...we not even together first of all. You are a hoe so stay in a hoes place."

"I love you X"

Stfu bitch you love dick

"Get the fuck out Jay"

"But, X, I w-"


I heard silence then a door open and shortly after, close. X came walking to the room as I hurried and sat on the bed so it wouldn't be so obvious that i was listening. He came walking in looking pissed and then looked at me and laid in his bed. He pulled me over to wear he was and just held me. His face softened as he looked at me. I started to blush and look down. I hadn't even noticed he was shirtless until I looked at Cleopatra that was tatted across his chest. My eyes started to feel heavy and I began to remember I had an ecsape plan that now would be totally useless but I  told myself I'd work on it when I got up.

This one happened to be really long...lol anyway hope y'all like it


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