☁️gradient sans x reader☁️

665 12 8

Halo my baby's so um yeah this is a floooooof because my first chapie is not gonna be a lemons and yeah enjoy the story

Please keep all criticism and what I spelled wrong or etc. To your self I will say if the chapter is edited or not
Ok let's begin owo

It's white.all white.too white.it hurts. You squint your eyes as you got up.you we're in a strange hollow void,that was painfully hurting your eyes.you dicided to keep them squinted.some of your hair fell in your face when standing up.your whole body aches."what in the hell happened?"you ask quietly like some one was going to respond.
A dark figure captured your attention he was dressed in a cloak with a brown hoodie underneath,he had glasses and lepoard print slippers.
'hmmm strange choice of fashion but ok' you walk over to the figure but started to fall back to the Earth as soon as you took 3 steps... You coughed up blood as your hands instinctively went to a wounded area.you bring it back to your face...blood.thats not good.you saw the black figure rushing towards you as you fainted

*Y/N has fainted!*

##gradients point of view##

I saw a (h/c),(tall/short),(e/c) human was walking towards me before she fell to the ground I wanted towards them 'a human how did one get in here anyways!?' I thought.she really got hurt pretty badly....she had a stab wound.i already know who it was,(insert name of evil you qwp){I will say e/y instead owo}

They are so d e a d.

I carried her to a abandoned au house that I found and o live in now.too secret for anyone to find it.besides I'm not that great with people.heh.i quickly fixed up her wounds so she does not bleed to death.then I notice they start to wake up as the whined and grunted because of the light hitting them.

##(y/n) point of view##

I woke up.pain suddenly hitting me.i grunted because the light was not makeing anything better I hissed "wake me up in five minutes!" Say accidentally thinking this is my home."well I'm sorry dear but your going to have to wake up and tell me who you are and we're did those marks come from" gradient said. I blinked a couple of times before realizing 'shitshitshitshitshitshitshit' he noitced I was panicking and quietly hushed me "shhh shhhh it's all right I helped you, besides if I wanted to kill you I already would of!"
That did not help at all

'is he serious!?'
You thought

"OH WOOPS! that was a little too much!"

"Anyways I am gradient a-and who are y-you!?"

"Names y/n"

"What a beautiful name!"
You blushed UwU

        _-time skipth_- some weeks later

Gradient finnaly had his talk with THEM and also enjoyed time with you owo
You two have really bonded over stress,panic attacks and also trouble with others but through all the flaws found worthiness in each other you two were cuddling on the couch trying to find the perfect movie.

"Metton related?"
"Eh overrated"

"Uhh g-gradient what are you getting at here?"

He overs you completely in the thick blanket attacking you with kisses and snuggles until you say
"Ok ok! Uncle or something !!! Geez!"
You both laugh and continue searching for the movie

Lol hi it's me. Owo how's the story .w. this is not my first uhh I have 5 different accounts that I got locked out of  but that will be up to you to find out~!
Hoped you enjoyed

Request are open lolololololol

616 words

♥️Pluto stars

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