👌yan!pallet x reader x yan!cray👌

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I got a new phone yay sorry I haven't been uploading in a while

@final. Chapter@*****

You're p.o.v

I ran down the the hallway starreld as pj stops me mid run. I almost crashed into him. he picks me up and asked what was wrong with me...

"*sniff* cray was b-being sc-ary again..."

"What am I going to do with him"
Pj thought out loud

Pallet walked in haveing a fake sad dramatic face as he holds inks scarf as if he died on accident ......not really

Pj put you down in even more concerned about pallet. You over heard pallet sobbing and saw pj with tears in his eyes.he couldn't be dead he was just with me a hour ago

Sadly pj walked out and had to break the bad news to his parents (do not know who his parents are
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'll do research) pallet swiftly grabbed you I his arms and was about to sneak away until cray came and literally bit his..ankel....


You praticly yelled as pallet kicked cray In to a wall supposedly knocking him
Out. You bit pallets hand and ran towards pj there he called the police as he took out his pocket knife and tried to loosen the door  or break the glass

About a hour later ...

Mr.pj was gone...died trying to protect you. You were sobbing in the closet with cray. He hugged you to keep you safe. You two suddenly heard the feedback of a walki talki and open the door to find the police and inks mom. Pallet looked back at you one final time then looked at cray wishing he could cut his throat open.

Cray hugged you and looked at pallet with a grin as the police both returned you two home

Whoa technology

I'm sick and sorry I couldn't upload oof...

I will do research on who minos mom or dad technicaly is

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