☁️♥️yan! pallet x reader x yan!cray☁️♥️

459 10 18

Currently dieing because I coughed and sneezed at the same time oof everything is sad now so on to the story *ack*
Some info:
Cray:(let's say he is 7 owo)
Request by TemmieTemshop1
Go check them out dood

You were always naive young child.your mother would constantly tell you to focus like right now.

Your mother called as you were walking to PJ's daycare, you were so distracted by a butterfly that flew up to the flower pin in your hair thinking that it was a real one trying to pollinate it{the butterfly is getting kinky now ôwō} you laughed as it flew away frustrated."y/n dear were here at the daycare..... please try to pay attention today,promise mom?" You looked at her and nodded and ran towards a black (oof ) skeleton wearing a apron. You were the second oldest of the skeles fresh being the 12 one year older.

###Pallets p.o.v @w@###
I heard little feet piter pateting across the floor as a looked and saw the new kid 'y/n' is her name

And she's really Beautiful for her age and smart too. Wow,I would give anything to own her,he thought but what would goth think? Would he want to have a child ? It would be wonderful to have a family as pallet thought about ways to kidnap her cray had his ideas for himself to woo y/n too.

###crays p.o.v. >w>###
I saw the most beautiful girl walk into the daycare! She had (h/c),(h/l) hair and (e/c) Iris that could put anyone in a dase. She was wonderful, but I've learned don't judge a book by its cover how's her personality,and attitude my dad taught me that before he
...... Passed. Anyways I have much planning to make her mine. I saw pallet looking at her a way and it didn't sit so good with me

It made me furious....


Earth to Pluto I'm makeing a part 2 because I've been busy as a 🐝 I'm sorry for the pause I will have much time tommorow because all I plan to do is be on the Nintendo switch with my brother UwU

Words 379



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