☁️pallet x ku!reader part 1☁️

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Oof had to do some research about this yandere thing anyways

A kuudere is a person who is usually a cool and calm person towards everyone including the people they like and will show a softer and empathetic side to close friends or people Everytime I spelled people it auto corrected to pepperoni weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Pallet p.o.v
Pallet was starting a new day at school and was very (almost every time) excited to meet a new person at the school and be friends UwU. But this school year he has a new friend he wants to focus on...there name is y/n and there very beautiful. I want them to at least be my best friend before I could just say I love them. RIGHT THEY WILL BE MY TOP PRIORITY pallet marched off proudly not noticing we're he was going. He bumbed into a monster named bodhi. He was a major jerk that you have threatened to cut of his ear more than once.

You stopped in your tracks as you noticed that jerk and hid behind something when he noticed

'a skeleton, he's new'

Y/n p.o.v#####

Is he really going to fight them!? That ass hole!

You quickly rushed to the scene we're pallet was about to take a hit then you caught his fist pulled out a switch knife a threatened him by saying "three thirty pm I'm coming for that ear" he was overcome by fear that he fled.you helped the poor skeleton up his eyes widened at you as a green and yellow blush appeared.
"Well uhh... I guess your welcome?....bye"
You Pat him on the shoulder and walked out the doors of the school.

It was the next day......👌

Y/n was walking down the hallway.she say the skeleton she helped yesterday and he was talking to a taller version of himself?? Looked a little goth like and edgy but who Ami I to judge....{oof}

At lunch you dicided to go by a really old tree it was 72 years old (yay for tree) you were eating your lunch we're you heard footsteps and a tap on your shoulder with a voice saying..

"Can I join?"
It was pallet

You scooted over for him to sit with you. The both of you guys sat there eating your lunch and talking about a few topics pallet talked about how cool you always look and you don't really smile at the comment you just look at him he looks down a bit but still admires you

'mabye he is not that bad'

Hey this is the end of part one qwp I hope this was in character I will make the main character a bit more serious.

-pluto ✨

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