Ch. 14 My Purse!!

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My morning continued off like any regular day. I was heading to my class before lunch. Mrs. Min said her son was going to tell us about the assignment and our partner today.

I walk in and see a guy very handsome. He wasn't the tallest but still very good-looking.

I continue staring at him, until he looks back at me. I quickly look away, my face turns red from embarassment.

I find my seat and sit down. I Get on my phone before class starts, since I was pretty early. A couple minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see a smiling girl.

"Can I help you?" I ask her.

"Hello! I recently joined this university so I don't really have any friends. I tried talking to other people, but they just ignored me. So I went to you." She's still smiling.

I felt bad. "Of course we can be friends, here sit down next to me." I smile at her.

After I said that she felt kind of relieved that I agreed to be her friend.

We talked a lot about different things, and eachother. We have a lot of things in common. Her name was Emma Lee her mom is a foreigner and her dad was born here in Korea. We continued on talking until class started.

I never even noticed the very good looking guy was staring at me the whole time.

"Alright class take your seats I would like to introduce you to my son."

The guy waves at us. "Hello guys my name is Min Yoongi. One of my main hobbies is sleeping."

The class gives a little laugh.

Yoongi talked about the assignment. Almost at the end he said our partners. Luckily I was partnered with Emma. So it wouldn't be awkward.

"We can work on this tomorrow after school." I tell her.

"Ok sounds good."

"Here's my number. We can work on it in my dorm." I hand her a piece of paper with my number on it.

"Ok thanks."

"Hey do you want to join me and my friends for lunch?" I ask her.

She smiles at me. "Really? I can join you?"

"Sure if you want."

"Of course I can make more friends." She is always smiling.

"And trust me they're way more nicer than the other people you've talked to." I say. She seemed a little relaxed after I said that.


We get our lunch and sit at my table.

When they saw Emma they said hi to her. She said hi back ofcourse.

"Guys this is Emma, she is new here so I told her to join us."

"Hi Emma!!" Minseo says to her.

She smiles real wide.

Everyone at the table introduced them selves. The last one was Jimin.

He no longer sits by me. He sits next to Jungkook at the way end.

Jimin wasn't even paying atention

"Jimin!" Yunhee whispers to him

"Oh um I'm Jimin." He forces a smile on his face.

We continued the rest of our lunch. Emma talked to Minseo while I talked to Taehyung about after school.


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