Having My Baby

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Eli Gould stood majestic as any chief could, preparing for the verbal onslaught of Skye Van Der Veen. "You can not tell me what to do with my own body." " I can when it comes to my child." " You may control your wife, mother of your twins, but you will not rule me. " " You want Phillip Kopus, but he lives with Katrina Nightwolf, and is quite fond of her curves." "Katrina will back off and move out." "I wouldn't be too sure."

For months, Skye Van Der Veen, campaigned to impeach the current chief, and forgot the time. Katrina was still living with Phillip, so Skye got drastic. Skye was waiting on the couch when Katrina came home. "You need to leave, we, Phillip and I need, your room for our baby, due in four months. " "Phillip and I own this house together. " "Phillip and I will buy you out." " No, I am not going anywhere, that is NOT, Phillip's baby, the father is another man." "How dare you.." " You are about sixteen to eighteen weeks pregnant, which means you conceived in late November to early December, Phillip was incarcerated the second time, he wasn't released until March, before the Federal government acknowledged the Lenape, as a legitimate tribe, under Federal protection, you were already pregnant, when Chief Mac died. The baby isnt Phillip's. " Junior entered and heard it all. "Is it true, are you using my brother to keep, Chief Gould, at bay?"

"No, Junior, Katrina is jealous of Philip and my baby." "Really, your due date is September twenty sixth, you announced that in the council chamber.." Junior finished the thought, which means you conceived in late December, Phillip wasn't released until late March, you are about four to five months pregnant." Skye was trapped and she knew it. An odd wild look came over Skye's face, she could lose all, the Chief appointment, her freedom, position and Phillip to Katrina. She couldn't abort because of the injunction, or all her mistakes would see the light of day. Skye left with a primal scream, rushing out the door.

  Skye flew to her car and zoomed down the drive, hitting the curve too fast. She lost control and crashed.  Skye was rushed to Mercy Hospital in New York, to try and save her baby.  Phillip, still couldn't leave New Jersey,  so Junior and Marie, went for news. Skye didn't miscarry,  but Katrina's assumption was true, Phillip didn't father her baby.  Phillip would be heartbroken,  but as a favor to Chief Marie, Kat went to a hotel, letting Philip have the house to himself.

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