Untitled Part 14

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Oh man, I'm glad everyone of you made it through this story I made 4 years ago in highschool. It's kinda funny that people still read this, every break I get new notifications about new comments about this, guessed it aged well. I can say for sure being in college now makes this whole fanfic a great conversation with people, hell maybe I will meet a reader someday, but for now I wish all you a good year. Over all I hope everyone of you that is inspired to comment is doing well and living good, but if you feel so inspired to comment, think about writing your own story, that's what I did and I think if you don't like something about a fandom go out and change it, it might suck but growth is where it's at. I can say for sure my writing has improved through college so take all the writing classes you can if you want to write fanfic. 

Good luck and good wishes. 

Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now