Chapter Five "Your best friend morphine."

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[Ej Pov]

Jeff was laughing his ass off, as he was trying to tell me something about [Name]. He breathed in deeply, air filling his lungs as his face pulls into a horrible lopsided grin. His breath only caused more fitts of annoying laughter to arise in the forest. Hand over stomach, he bent down wiping tears from his wide open eyes. Hoodie was trying to explain what happened to Masky, although he didn't have the whole story. Jeff finally taking notice that I was growing frustrated, tried to speak. "E, *laughs* J, she got *laughs*-" Uncontrollable laughter shook his whole being. She got what? What was he not telling me? I need answers. Now! Grabbing Jeff by the hood of his jacket, I slammed him against a tree. The bark tore at his white jacket. "Tell me where she is. Now Jeff!" I snapped through my teeth, but he only smiled more. A fist to the gut seemed to fix his chuckles like Laughing Jack. He fell the ground covered in leaves. "She got hit by a car Ej." I screamed at him, pleading for more information. Jeff finally stood up, "I'll take you to her, if it gets you out of my hair." He answered my yelling. Fear filled me, "Is she still alive?". The question floated on open air until Jeff answered, "Yes, now follow me."

Masky spoke up after listening to Hoodie, "Shouldn't we wait until night fall? I mean we are still killers and people are looking for us." I turned toward him, "No. Now Jeff, guide us to where she is." Jeff appeared startled by my sudden answer but I could honestly care less.

The white hooded man began to trudge through the forest, startling many beast and birds, perched and waiting for new arrivals. Maybe it was a sign of disrespect to Slenderman. He came to the distasteful parking lot, muttering something about needing a car. I walked over to a parked vehicle and in one swift movement, I smashed the back window causing the alarm to go off. The noise was blaring in my ears while I hot-wired the car, until finally the obnoxious tune came to a halt and the engines started to work. The other three packed in the car, and the drive was silent. The only spoken words were from Jeff giving directions. We arrived at a big hospital, reaching up to three stories high. The sun was now below the horizon. The smell of chemicals were strong even from here at the entrance of the sliding doors. Four killers walked into a hospital.

The man at the desk look at us oddly, mostly at Jeff, making him quite pissed. Since Masky's appearance looks more humane than the rest of us, Hoodie coming in second, Me and Jeff tied for last, we all were rather noticeable to say the least. Masky spoke to the man asking information about a girl who came in from a car wreck. He asked for her name. Masky turned to me, I walked up to the man, asking politely. "She is a female. With [hair color] hair. Maybe under a name of Jane Doe, we know who she is. Check-in would've been yesterday." The man in blue scrubs began to type into the computer set at the desk, his eyes ever drifting towards us. After a few minutes, he finally said something worth knowing. "She is here, in the ICU hall, on the third floor, room 36. Only 20 minutes of visiting hours remain, I hope you make it." We rushed to the elevators, the doors taking forever to open and to close. The third floor button was pushed and the ascent upward was slow. Running down hallways passed blue clothed people, wheeling around the healing. Stopping at a sign that said ICU, we opened the metal door. Mazing through hallways until we found the 36th room. She was laying on a bed, IV's and breathing tubes poked out of her. The thump of her heart beat filled the room with an undertone from the breathing machine.

[Your Pov]

Your lips were extremely dry, and your eyes felt extremely heavy. Trying to fix your dry mouth, your lips were meet by a tube. Confused, you cast your eyes open, to find a bland coloured room blending with green ceiling borders and small green leaves printed throughout the wallpaper in a boring pattern. A breathing tube stuck out of your mouth, doing what your lungs should be doing. Looking for a button to call for a nurse, your door opened to reveal a small girl in dark blue scrubs and dark red hair. Her breath pauses as she walks out the door quickly. A doctor, by the looks of it, came in with her light brown hair tightly pulled into a ponytail that frizzed out. It suited her. She helped the red haired nurse take out the breathing tube. The doctor smiled "Looks like Jane Doe finally woke up, now sweetie what's your name?" You tried to speak but your throat was dry, and you raspily stated your name. Both of them were taken aback after you said it, like they expected you dead. You gave them a puzzling look, the red hair nurse took out her phone to show a news report to you, and it was about you.

The police thought you killed your family, then ran. How could they come to that conclusion? You obviously don't steal kidneys like that fiend has acquired to doing, or had any motive to. They were family. Even though you've had arguments, it was never over something worth killing for.

White hospital walls became asylum walls. The hospital apparently notified the police at least 30 minutes ago and sent someone to talk to you and evaluate your mental state. A male dressed in blue scrubs and a woman cloaked in a white lab jacket walked into the intoxicating room. He stood by the door like you were going to run out. Lab coat lady cleared her throat, "Now miss, I have to ask you some questions." She talked for 4 hours, so much for a few questions. At the end of it all she deemed you stable for society, although the blue man named Greg kept asking who killed them, only to be answered with a blue masked man. The tension that was once in the air when the doctor and nurses walked in was gone, they suddenly seemed nicer and less scared of you. Although they're still moving the needles away from you.

After a meal of unappealing hospital food and jello for dessert, you lay on the bed equipped with extra clean white sheets. You glance around to find a white ceiling and walls splashed with green. Your morphine drip was on the lowest level while the machine hums nonstop. The moon's path of luminosity pierced through the dark void among the window and shadows danced around the room, accompanied with flashing lights caused by the IV drip trying to keep rhythm.

Shadows began to grow, shapes blended together, a silhouette began to form outside the window then split into three more. The only problem was that they weren't outside anymore. The black outlines they had dissolved just to be reaquainted with beady red eyes. Moon light no longer shining turned the room black only for red eyes to be seen. Whispers surrounded you and as they came closer, their bodies being one again, they hovered over the bed and you close your eyes ready for whatever to come.

Then they were gone.

You awake in a cold sweat and the morphine was enhanced five more times than what it was originally. A click from the button to add more was heard and you turn your head. At once your eyes are welcomed to the blue masked boy and the other boy sporting a painful smile.

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