Chapter Two "Home sweet Home."

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[Ej Pov]

The older male lay on the greeting mat by the front door, his blood soaking the carpet in the nearby living room. Pulling out my scalpel and cutting deep though the skin and muscle, I pull a kidney out one by one, a dead body was not my first choice for a meal, because the lack of heat the body had, but I would not let food be wasted. I know that my love was somewhere in what I thought was her room, I made my way back over there. Shutting the door with just me and her, no way to leave me.

Hours passed by and the sun was cutting its way through storm clouds in the distance. The on coming light from the window showed the girl's room to me, pictures and posters dotted the wall. A desk on the left side of the window and a bookshelf on the other side. A bed lay in the room, the covers shoved about and tossed with sheets. Silence filled the air, no sound came from in her room. Growing frustrated by the lack of her showing, I began to tear through and destroy the room. The desk lay in pieces, book pages covered the floor along with torn posters.

Throwing open the worn-down doors, I did the same to the insides of the closet. Broken objects and torn clothes were scattered around my feet. Reaching the top shelf did I notice a foot. It was hanging loosely from a hidden shelf. Grinning, I grabbed the foot and pulled down a startled girl who was now finally mine. Her face was a lovely shock, the features of her face more prominent through fear. Her ankle from where I grabbed was turning a nice purple, which meant she could barely walk, making it useless to escape.

Picking up my love, throwing her over my shoulder I began to walk out of the house when I heard a female scream. Her mother. A groan of frustration left me, people never stuck to the plan. Keeping [Name] on my shoulder, I walked into the living room to see a man and a woman crying over the blood stained carpet, with the body of the older male. Their heads turned to me in horror, seeing the blood on my hoodie and their daughter slung over my shoulder, crying.

The man foolishly rushed toward me with his hands in a loose fist, where I could easily duck out of the way and jab him in the stomach, causing blood to spill everywhere. They are such messy people. The man fell to the ground trying to hold the blood in, but he wasn't successful for I cut too deep. Color drained from his face. His wife, crying nonstop looked at me with ruined makeup. I slit her throat, watching her choke on her own blood.

Making my way back over to the man, I cut through the tissue yet again to pull out healthy kidneys. Sticking the two kidneys in my hoodie's pockets, I waltz over to the bloody woman and did the same to her. Pocketing the last of the kidneys, I left with my love and a day worths of food. One more day I get to spend with her, without having to leave her at the house unprotected.

[Your Pov]

Slung over and crying like a madwoman was not your idea of leaving the house with a boy. The idea was the movie stairway prom way, in a gorgeous dress and a wonderful boy waiting for you at the front door. Your dad all fake mad but truly happy for you, as for your mother a crying mess of happy tears. Yet here you are covered in blood, better yet, your family's blood, all but yours.

This boy carries you far from your house, then suddenly your butt lands hard on the ground and he is breaking the back window of a older car. Picking you up with one arm, he shuffles to the other side, opening the door, sitting you down in the front passenger seat, then buckles you in. He slammed the door shut. Getting in the car himself, he started the car.

His driving was horrible, maybe it was the lack of vision he had with that mask, or perhaps he's never driven before. You never got any sleep, even though he said you needed to because of the ankle injury he gave you. He gave you the purple and now swollen ankle. He continued to drive for hours until he reached a park, you never caught the name, but it was mostly a wooded park. He parked in the cracking road of the parking lot, and before you could reach for the car door handle, he was there picking you up.

Being slung over his shoulder once more, you stared at the ground watching gravel turn to grass, turning into dead leaves. You began to feel the need to sleep wash over you. What has it been, a good day and half without sleep, maybe more? Your eyes began to droop lower and lower at every second. He stopped abruptly causing you to jump gaining a low laugh from him. His voice came rumbling over the sounds of birds, "Welcome home, dear."

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