Chapter Seven "Everything is free tonight."

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[Ej Pov]

Knowing that [Name] could not shop in a hospital gown, I fumbled with the insides of my dresser drawers, only pulling out plain black shirts, blue hoodies and jeans. I began to ponder whether Jane had any clothes that might fit her. It appears that girls do have quite odd, varying sizes, so I decided that it would be best to let her borrow my clothes for the time being. I dug through my drawer, pulling out the cleanest set of blue hoodie and jeans I own. Walking over to sleeping beauty, passed out on painkillers, I attempted to wake her. Mumbling in a daze, she tossed away from me with the blankets and sheets clinging to her silhouette. Her murmurs formed incoherent words about the fountain war over narwhals.

Growing slightly annoyed by the lack of effort to wake up on her part, I ripped the covers off. Forcing her to welcome the sudden frigid temperature inside the room for a late night shopping adventure. She sprung right up after I did so, trying to pull the covers back toward her goose bump body. Not having any of it, I tossed the clothes that I gathered at her face. "Will you please put some clothes on, we don't have all night for shopping." Removing the bundle of clothes from her face, her eyes darted toward the door, my cue to leave, so I respectfully stood outside of the room to wait. A few minutes passed, my knuckles rattled against the door softly a few times to hear a faint 'come in'. She was standing in my hoodie looking rather attractive, with her arms crossed over her chest and a cold stare that could kill.

Driving about in the middle of the night was peaceful. [Name] never talked throughout the whole ride there, so neither did I. Parking in a empty lot, she muttered a small thank you before walking with me in silence up to the locked door. BEN said he had turned off all the alarms and looped all the cameras at this mall, it would be a story if he forgot. Knowing the entrance was locked, I broke through the glass door. Glass shattered all over the ground after I did so, then I remembered [Name] did not have any shoes. I picked her up, from the waist plus her IVs, and moved her out of the way of the broken door. Yet another small 'thank you' escaped her lips as she looked around the dark corridors of the mall.

She walked aimlessly for a while, it appeared she was looking for specific stores. Finally she walked into a store, before doing so she asked for a flashlight. Having packed one before, I pulled one out of the deep pocket of my hoodie. She took after, saying yet another thank you. I stood outside the store doorway, as I watched the flashlight's beam and bob along with her steps. Sometimes it would stop look at a pair of pants or show light on to a shirt, randomly a pair of pants or shorts would be draped over an arm along with a shirt or two, carefully moved around the wires of IVs. This went on for two hours, my arms were heavy with many bags of clothes. We finally made it to last store of this place. It was a dress store, knowing just what to do, I grabbed her hand with my gloved one pulling a surprised [Name] behind me.

[Your Pov]

It was nice, having a mall to yourself and a killer, the bucket list was dwindling fast. "Jack", so he called himself, never ventured into the stores with you. He always stayed by the door almost as though he was protecting you. Every store you ventured into you swear you could hear a sigh from him, maybe it was the amount of bags on his arms or how long you were taking, which on your behalf you would have to say was a short time for a mall all to yourself and blue mask. Walking the whole length of the mall, you finally reached the farthest part of the shopping centre. The last store was a dress shop but the entrance was gated and locked. 'Jack' grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the gate. He picked the lock and raised the gate open for you to enter, but before you could do so an alarm went off and together you ran with bags stuffed full of clothes.

Sprinting back to the car had your chest heaving as you opened the back door and threw whatever bags into the back seat. Turning around, you were greeted with a black, smooth object pointed at your head. The gadget clicked but also appeared to be trembling, the hand holding it was shaking more. The woman holding it was a mall cop, and by the looks of it, she was new. Her face contorted with sadness and regret, almost as though she didn't want to shoot. After all, you had looked like an escaped hospital patient. Holding on to the IVs you tried to look weak, as you saw blue mask sneak up behind the cop and slit her throat, getting blood splatter all over your. The mall cop lay there choking on her own plasma. Blue mask turned to face you, he waltzed over the dying cop to wipe blood from your cheek only to smear it. He walked over to the other side of the car, and you stayed on this side. Pulling open the door, you heard a whiz of sound fly above and past your head.

Looking around you saw that the cop with her last bit of energy, pull the trigger of her gun for a second time. Not knowing where it landed, you looked all over the car, until you felt something trickling down your leg, it was warm and flowed fast. Tracing your hand down your thigh to find crimson liquid coating your fingers. Growing weak on the open door, you collapsed on the pavement. Blue and red lights were flashing around far away. Getting a closer look at the cop, you saw that her name was Charlie, it was written in black on a copper name tag. Her eyes were wide open and blue, she must have died after the shot. Her pool of blood was reaching out to you, stretching among the asphalt. You felt so light, maybe the weight was leaving you threw that wound. Listening to a far off car door slam, you bet it was "Jack". He went through a lot for you.

His blue mask came into view, it was the only thing you could focus on. The lights of the police cars were getting closer as you felt blue mask lift you up. He tightly wrapped something around your leg and sat you in the car. Funny, you just noticed that it was BEN's car. "Jack" hopped into the drivers seat, only to buckle you in, forgetting about himself. Making it out of the parking lot before the red and blue lights could reach the end of the street down at the entrance of the mall. His hoodie head was now off and you could finally see his hair, it looked so soft and fluffy. Reaching out to touch it, he swung around a turn, causing you to lose more strength trying not fly out of your seat. Moving your hand to touch the wisps of hair, at last you left very heavy and tired. Black. Everything went black.

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